Aug 25, 2020

As a commercial tenant, am I responsible for sewage grinder pump repairs?

Karey Dunken: Lease states, Lessor agrees to keep in good repair the roof, foundation, and exterior walls of the premises(exclusive of all glass and exclusive of all exterior doors), and underground utility and sewer pipes outside the exterior walls of the building, except repairs rendered necessary by the negligence of lessee, its agents, employees, or invitees. Lessee shall promptly report in writing to lessor any defective condition known to it, which lessor is required to repair, and failure to report such conditions shall make lessee responsible to lessor for any liability incurred by lessor by reason of such conditions....Show more

Jackson Esmiol: countless themes right here. my own view is that the tenant could undergo a level of resposibility for working the device unattended. no remember how stable and correctly maintained washing machines are, they'd, and do, reason floods. on the different hand, the owner could carry coverage to conceal harm brought abo! ut by using this manner of experience. If he would not have the disguise he the two has to cough up, or be taken to court docket. There lies the undertaking. Whoever seeks repayment will could work together criminal help it rather is extremely, very high priced. the different undertaking is that the choose would apportion some accountability onto the tenant. additionally, have confidence it or not, prevailing a court docket case does not continuously recommend receiving repayment. the owner can decline to pay the award, dissapear, plead poverty etc etc. i'm assuming you're viewing this from the tenant's attitude. yet my answer could be an identical in case you have been the owner....Show more

Abraham Ladick: It really comes down to what you agreed to when you signed the rental agreement for the property and whether there is some type of body corporate arrangement in there (meaning a set rule with regards to liability for tenants on common parts of the property such as! water bills, maintenance of gardens and facilities, or in thi! s case, repairs or replacements to items used by all tenants). Generally there will be a portion of your rent that is put aside in a fund for these kinds of things or an additional fee on top of your rent each year to cover these costs. I would dispute payment of this unless it specifically says you have to in your agreement (which I doubt - I mean if the building fell down could he expect you to pay to rebuild it?)A landlord I knew of wanted to put lifts into a multi storey building - it was going to cost each tenant $10000 to do this, including the ones living on the ground floor who would never use lifts anyway, it went to a vote and was rejected. At worst if your agreement dictates it, you may be asked to contribute a share of the costs but ONLY if it was stated in writing at the outset. Otherwise the landlord owns the building, he collects your rent, he is liable to keep it in good repair. A little different if you knocked over a sign or damage a wall, but how can he p! rove you damaged the pump anyway?...Show more

Gaston Edgcomb: Look at your lease agreement. The agreement is king! As a tenant, anything not covered in the agreement should be covered by the landlord.

Comment fabriquer un microscope

Comment fabriquer un microscope

Trouvez deux tubes de diamètres différents. Recherchez des tubes faits de matériaux robustes, comme le PVC. Cela garantira que votre microscope tiendra dans le temps. Le petit tube doit être juste assez petit pour glisser le long des parois intérieures du grand tube.

Poussez le tube de l’objectif à travers le trou. Alignez le plus petit tube avec le trou de la cartouche. Poussez le tube de façon à ce que le pouce supérieur (côté avec l’objectif) se trouve à l’intérieur de la cartouche de film. Si le tube ne s’adapte pas, agrandissez le trou jusqu’à ce qu’il le fasse.

Testez votre microscope. Rassemblez un échantillon et regardez-le sous votre microscope. Vous pouvez commencer par regarder une goutte d’eau ou un cheveu. Vous pouvez faire glisser l’oculaire de haut en bas pour régler la mise au point du microscope.

Créez un support v! ertical. Vous pouvez utiliser un cylindre en bois pour créer un support vertical. Un tuyau en PVC est une autre option. Couper le support vertical de 0,5 pouce (1,3 cm) de hauteur. Collez le support vertical sur la plaque de base.

Fixez une lentille à chaque tube. Super coller une lentille à l’extrémité de chaque tube. Le diamètre de la lentille doit correspondre au diamètre du tube. Utilisez une quantité modérée de colle et veillez à ne pas l’appliquer à l’intérieur de l’objectif. Laisser sécher la colle avant de continuer.

Couvrez chaque extrémité avec un disque en caoutchouc. Couvrez les bords de chaque lentille en collant un disque en caoutchouc. Assurez-vous que les disques ne couvrent pas le centre de l’une ou l’autre des lentilles. Cela crée un tampon entre l’objectif et les autres objets. Il rend également le microscope plus esthétique.

Faire un trou dans une boîte de film. Un oculaire n’est pas nécessaire pour ! voir les objets, mais il aide à garder l’Å"il loin de la le! ntille de vision. Cela peut aussi rendre le visionnage plus confortable. Utilisez une perceuse ou un objet d’atelier (p. ex. des ciseaux) pour percer un trou dans le fond d’une boîte de film. Le trou doit être au centre de la cartouche et assez grand pour y glisser le plus petit tube.

Commencez par une base solide. Utilisez un carré de contreplaqué ou de plastique pour fixer votre base. Utilisez une scie pour couper le carré de 10 cm (4 po) de côté. Vous voulez que la base ait une épaisseur d’environ 1,9 cm (0,75 po).

Fixer le tube du microscope sur le support vertical. Le tube du microscope doit reposer juste au-dessus de la plaque de base. Cela vous permettra de placer les échantillons sous l’objectif du microscope. Le tube peut être fixé au support vertical à l’aide de colles ou de fermetures à glissière.

Tapisser les tubes de papier noir. Le fonctionnement d’un microscope sera diminué si la lumière pénètre par le côté du! tube. Pour améliorer la capacité de fonctionnement du microscope, alignez les côtés du tube avec du papier noir. Cela aidera à absorber l’excès de lumière.

Fixez l’oculaire. Utilisez de la colle ou du ciment liquide pour maintenir l’oculaire en place. Cela vous permettra de regarder à travers l’oculaire sans qu’il ne bouge. Laissez le temps à la colle de sécher.

Glissez le petit tube à l’intérieur du grand tube. Placez l’extrémité ouverte du petit tube à l’intérieur du grand tube. Vous avez maintenant une lentille aux deux extrémités et la possibilité de les rapprocher l’une de l’autre. Cela vous permet de voir les objets et de faire la mise au point sur eux à l’aide de votre microscope.

Aug 24, 2020

How do you save another garden on Viva Pinata without doing anything to your other one?

Saran Stealy: When you start the game dont load your old garden and instead click on the start a new garden area. Also, you will keep your money and rank to share with each garden.

Delmy Varano: Listen, when you make a new garden, ALL of your gardens share the same money pool. To make a garden that has nothing to do with your old one, you need to make a new profile. Hit the X-box button in the middle of your 360 controller, click "new profile/user/whatever", and make a new garden on that profile. =)

Are there technical colleges for dental hygenists, speech and physical therapists in Georgia?!?  

Are there technical colleges for dental hygenists, speech and physical therapists in Georgia?!?  

answers 0:Are there technical colleges for dental hygenists, speech and physical therapists in Georgia?!?answers 1:None of these professionals go to "technical college".Physical therapists and speech pathologists are required to have at least a master's degree (6 yrs of college), and dental hygienists at least an associate's degree (although most have a bachelor's degree).

Aug 23, 2020

Pallet gardening tips?

Alane Antes: just screw 2 x 4's around the sides to prevent the soil from spilling 8' piece will cost you less than $2.00. ...and Home Depot and Lowes will cut to size for you too. far as the bottom, lay a bunch of layers of old newspaper on the ground. Maybe some nice neighbors would be willing to donate some....Now, let's talk about soil...this is where it can get quite expensive. ...I would consider starting a compost pile somewhere in the corner of your garden...just pile grass clippings (if you have a gardener ask him to throw them there instead of the green waste bin). also rake up leaves, let them dry, then crumble them up...if you have kids let them jump in the pile to crush them, since leaves take a long time to decompose, it's best to always add crumbled pieces to the compost. Also veggie and fruit scraps, tea bags, old coffee grounds (starbucks is happy to give them away for free), these can all go into your compost... ...mix it up once a ! week or once every two weeks and water it every now and then to get it moving quicklier. ...You'd be amazed as to how much these worms can eat... In our compost pile, i can dig my hands into the bottom of the pile and hundreds of worms are squirming's wonderful! ...and it's free highly nutritious soil!...Show more

Margart Stimpert: Container gardening is huge. Just start searching that and you may find that it would work better than pallets

Jude Kennelly: sounds like an ambitious plan, but it would be easier to just use pots and tubs

Lue Podewils: Great Plan! You will require best gardening tools to work on your plan. Learn more about gardening tools here -

Eulah Hugill: If you lay pallets down on the ground you will kill the grass. If you kill the grass it'll be better if you just dug it up to begin with. Are you planning on standing them up? Or creating easels? Don't use sheets. The! cotton will rot and you will have a BIG mess. You might start! shopping around at the Restore and other places like that.

Moved From The Nederland, moving back?  

Moved From The Nederland, moving back?  

answers 0:Hi, thank you for taking your time reading this situation I am in that I want to explain, I really appreciate all the advice's I'll get from your valuable time. I'll try to tell you this as short as I can, so I lived in the Nederland with a Dutch passport. 10 years ago, I got forced by my father to move back to Africa, so we did, now he kicked me out of the house, I have no where to go (the situation I am in is very hard). It's hard for me to make money in here, the euro currency is very high, but I worked for years now and was able to save enough to pay for an airplane ticket after the arrival to the Netherlands, I'll have 200 euro left (my calculating's). I wont have enough for an apartment, so I be homeless wandering around the streets. Please I need help, could the government help me get an gov! ernmental apartment and get me on welfare just at the beginning until I find job? That's my purpose going back there. I just need the government helping me just at the beginning until whatever job I could find no matter if I find a job in a greenhouse or any labor jobs. Do I need to have an address to get a job? My second question is which government offices do i have to apply in so they know I am back in the Nederland? I hope this did not got anyone angry toward what I am asking, thanks again and have a wonderful day!Between I am 20 years of age, graduated as a dental assistant....Show moreanswers 1:Do you still have your dutch passport current or expired ? are you a citizen of the Netherlands, seems like you are, if yes, go to the Dutch embassy and try to get help to return to the Netherlands at the embassy, then try and find a job when you return there.

Aug 22, 2020

Anyone Know a Great Landscape Company in New Hampshire?

Leontine Kreitz: There is this site, it was on Dr.Phil's most Garden Nurseries have landscape architects that come and give you an estimate

Joeann Hoyt: hi, Sharon here. i all started landscaping this year, with some straightforward grass cuts for the elderly. that's been raining alot here. between the cuts grew to become into alot greater, a panorama. i've got finished no advertising, that's been observe of mouth. I artwork for individuals who cant do their very very own gardening, I value hourly for artwork different than grass slicing. i'm honest with my customers and characteristic started to truly shield them. Be honest, be honest, know what your doing, and get obtainable and do it. I shop issues small and straightforward, yet I avg. approximately $2 hundred.00 each week. attempt a close-by paper, or seek for long grass, or yards that want some TLC. Knock on doors. that's what i might do. good luck, Sharo! n, from Pittsburgh Pa....Show more