Aug 1, 2020

Alternative medicine ?

Garrett Detone: Very honestly i will say cannabis or its products potent or rich in cbd and thc are effective for pains.

Lue Podewils: I smell BS....if one thing is claimed to treat so many things, then the alarm bells start to ring very loudly.

Jonathan Schlussel: New Treatment for Depression to Soul and Ego· we will help you to treate depression by treatment for depression and depression symptoms .· Depression, a serious mental illness " Depressed "· Man feels he is depressed if it was one of depression symptomsDepression is a feeling in the chest and shortness of human tension and fear and persistent sadness. Become Depressed human more

Mickey Isle: Yes, marijuana has many properties that are very beneficial for medical purposes. It is becoming more and more recognized by the scientific community for its therapeutic usage. It is also rich in vitamins and Omega acids.!

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