Aug 7, 2020

How often should you condition your hair?

Neville Dautremont: that sounds about right to me! it depends on what type of hair you have as well. my trick is to ring out my hair (after shampooing) flip my head over, and scrunch it in like I'm applying mousse. i dont want it on my scalp, because your scalp is oily and doesn't need to be conditioned.

Barton Slisz: You wash hair every two days? You're taking away the hair natural oil. Shampoo once a wk. and condition afterwards

Willa Holte: every 2 days but wash it everyday

Thurman Buege: ew. you should really shower every day. and condition every day.

Indira Wassell: That's good. You really don't need to wash your hair everyday. It will dry your hair out. If you have frizzy curly hair, wash evey other day and condition everyday to cut down on frizzyness.

Indira Wassell: that is good enough. you dont need soo much condition because your hair will become dry.

Rebbecca Sorkin: It depends on the condition of your hair, if it is dry or! chemically treated then you want to condition every time you shampoo and also do a deep conditioning treatment once every week or two. If you have normal or oily hair then you should only condition the mid shaft and ends of your hair so that your scalp doesn't get too greasy.

Boyce Gilhooly: If it seems to be working for you, then you are doing it right for you.

Mitchel Demry: that sounds pretty right. you dont want to condition it to much or it will get dryed out. you should really think of washing your hair every other day instead of every 2 days. i think it is just healthier.

Wilfredo Muldoon: Then your doing it right girly.................. hair loves to be conditioned ....... and your doing well not to wash it everyday. Washing hair every day stresses it out ( especially if it is long).... it needs time for the oils to get through it to keep it healthy..... it helps the scalp from becoming too dried out too.Professional stylist in Canada

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