Feb 24, 2020

ACT help plz!?

Bethany Blocker: the ACT is based on your basic knowledge...sooo..

Davida Gisriel: study

Charissa Bichsel: you should take the SAT too, you might be better at it than the ACT

Lynn Mctier: There are several ways to receive tutoring. Many schools offer tutoring classes. You can also hire a private tutor to come in once a week (if you have time before the test, that is). When I had to take the ACT I had a private tutor and he raised my score three points! :)If you're referring to help with the actual test, don't spend too long on one problem. If you don't know the answer after about thirty seconds, move on to the next problem. You also have to just keep calm. Some people freak out during the test and it affects their ability to think properly. Rather than thinking about the possibility of doing bad (which you will do fine!) think about how happy you'll be when it's over.Good luck!...Show more

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