Feb 14, 2020

Do girls like it when guys can dance?

Venetta Coulbourne: I would think so. That would really suprise me and I would find it charming. As long as the guy dosent sit around and do nothing duning and has no fun while we dance, then its all good.

Paul Maymi: YES YES YES!!!!! I have been begging my husband to dance with me for the past 5 1/2 yrs!!! Knowing how to dance is a BIG positive!!!

Jose Bouliouris: It is very nice when guys can dance, yes ...But it ain't thaaat important. If he can't dance it is ok too.Do you know what people say in Venezuela:A woman who doesn't know how to cook, doesn't know how to make love,A man who doesn't know how to dance, doesn't know how to make love .... HaHa...But that is just things that people say .. i don't believe that...HaHA....Show more

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