Feb 19, 2020

Do good grades help you get into performing arts universities?

Germaine Tieken: It depends on the school. For Juilliard, you just need a high school diploma and no high GPA. You don't even need an SAT test score. It is 100% about your audition. I know a Juilliard student who had a GED and another who was a C student. Keep in mind that this past year the acceptance rate at Juilliard was 5.5%. For NYU Tisch, you have to have really good grades to get in, but not necessarily as good as other colleges at NYU. It is 50% academics and 50% your audition. You could have a 4.0 and not get in because of a bad audition. You could have a 3.5 with a great audition and get in. If both someone with a 4.0 and a 3.5 had equal auditions, they would take the higher GPA student most likely. If you had a 2.4 you wont get in there no matter how talented you are. They also don't accept AP credit at NYU Tisch for their Dance program. I assume that is true of all the other P.A. majors at Tisch, but I don't know that for a definite fact. I think most P.A. ! universities work on a similar basis. AP classes may not be given credit for a BFA program due to most of the credits having to be in your major. For a BA program that might be a different story and they will accept them. This is something you will have to check out with each university program you are interested in....Show more

Donnell Mollo: Of course good grades can get you a lot of things keep trying!

Asley Quickle: You will need to have good grades - but it is still about your audition. Juilliard will take a virtuosic genius with a B average - other colleges will not. When AP courses start to cut into your serious music study and practice time - and I mean SERIOUS practice - then they can go. Our son made sure he had a light senior year, so he could practice his butt off. We also live within walking distance of the HS, and got his schedule fixed so he had off 3 periods in a row in the middle of the day; he would walk home, eat, practice a couple of hou! rs, go back for English and Choir. This allowed his Dad free ! run of the piano studio for his own practice and private teaching - worked out great. Son now has BM in Music Ed, MM in Composition, MM in Digital Music - working full-time for last 11 years as music director and conductor. So - if you lighten your load in your senior year, and REALLY put that time into study and practice, it might pay off better than taking AP World History (yawn . . . .). Only you and your private teacher know where you fall in the spectrum of all this - have a serious talk....Show more

Ilana Gaster: Most schools like that are not looking for "experience" They're looking at how knowledgeable one is on their instrument. You might think that they are looking for experience, but what they're really looking for is skill and knowledge. One could be experienced, but let's say that they don't know how to read sheet music, and their skill level is among most of those who try to apply, and then comes along one who has the same amount of skill, but not as! much experience, but they do know how to read sheet music, which one do you think they are more likely to accept into the school? My point here is that as long as you are knowledgeable and have a talent for the viola, then you will have a shot at getting into a school like that....Show more

Claire Billegas: Also, does taking AP courses help at all?

Arnulfo Seegars: Good grades are always important to universities. The idea that there are openings for below average students is no longer if ever true.Aim high. Get the best possible GPA you can, without taking basket weaving.

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