Aug 25, 2020

As a commercial tenant, am I responsible for sewage grinder pump repairs?

Karey Dunken: Lease states, Lessor agrees to keep in good repair the roof, foundation, and exterior walls of the premises(exclusive of all glass and exclusive of all exterior doors), and underground utility and sewer pipes outside the exterior walls of the building, except repairs rendered necessary by the negligence of lessee, its agents, employees, or invitees. Lessee shall promptly report in writing to lessor any defective condition known to it, which lessor is required to repair, and failure to report such conditions shall make lessee responsible to lessor for any liability incurred by lessor by reason of such conditions....Show more

Jackson Esmiol: countless themes right here. my own view is that the tenant could undergo a level of resposibility for working the device unattended. no remember how stable and correctly maintained washing machines are, they'd, and do, reason floods. on the different hand, the owner could carry coverage to conceal harm brought abo! ut by using this manner of experience. If he would not have the disguise he the two has to cough up, or be taken to court docket. There lies the undertaking. Whoever seeks repayment will could work together criminal help it rather is extremely, very high priced. the different undertaking is that the choose would apportion some accountability onto the tenant. additionally, have confidence it or not, prevailing a court docket case does not continuously recommend receiving repayment. the owner can decline to pay the award, dissapear, plead poverty etc etc. i'm assuming you're viewing this from the tenant's attitude. yet my answer could be an identical in case you have been the owner....Show more

Abraham Ladick: It really comes down to what you agreed to when you signed the rental agreement for the property and whether there is some type of body corporate arrangement in there (meaning a set rule with regards to liability for tenants on common parts of the property such as! water bills, maintenance of gardens and facilities, or in thi! s case, repairs or replacements to items used by all tenants). Generally there will be a portion of your rent that is put aside in a fund for these kinds of things or an additional fee on top of your rent each year to cover these costs. I would dispute payment of this unless it specifically says you have to in your agreement (which I doubt - I mean if the building fell down could he expect you to pay to rebuild it?)A landlord I knew of wanted to put lifts into a multi storey building - it was going to cost each tenant $10000 to do this, including the ones living on the ground floor who would never use lifts anyway, it went to a vote and was rejected. At worst if your agreement dictates it, you may be asked to contribute a share of the costs but ONLY if it was stated in writing at the outset. Otherwise the landlord owns the building, he collects your rent, he is liable to keep it in good repair. A little different if you knocked over a sign or damage a wall, but how can he p! rove you damaged the pump anyway?...Show more

Gaston Edgcomb: Look at your lease agreement. The agreement is king! As a tenant, anything not covered in the agreement should be covered by the landlord.

Comment fabriquer un microscope

Comment fabriquer un microscope

Trouvez deux tubes de diamètres différents. Recherchez des tubes faits de matériaux robustes, comme le PVC. Cela garantira que votre microscope tiendra dans le temps. Le petit tube doit être juste assez petit pour glisser le long des parois intérieures du grand tube.

Poussez le tube de l’objectif à travers le trou. Alignez le plus petit tube avec le trou de la cartouche. Poussez le tube de façon à ce que le pouce supérieur (côté avec l’objectif) se trouve à l’intérieur de la cartouche de film. Si le tube ne s’adapte pas, agrandissez le trou jusqu’à ce qu’il le fasse.

Testez votre microscope. Rassemblez un échantillon et regardez-le sous votre microscope. Vous pouvez commencer par regarder une goutte d’eau ou un cheveu. Vous pouvez faire glisser l’oculaire de haut en bas pour régler la mise au point du microscope.

Créez un support v! ertical. Vous pouvez utiliser un cylindre en bois pour créer un support vertical. Un tuyau en PVC est une autre option. Couper le support vertical de 0,5 pouce (1,3 cm) de hauteur. Collez le support vertical sur la plaque de base.

Fixez une lentille à chaque tube. Super coller une lentille à l’extrémité de chaque tube. Le diamètre de la lentille doit correspondre au diamètre du tube. Utilisez une quantité modérée de colle et veillez à ne pas l’appliquer à l’intérieur de l’objectif. Laisser sécher la colle avant de continuer.

Couvrez chaque extrémité avec un disque en caoutchouc. Couvrez les bords de chaque lentille en collant un disque en caoutchouc. Assurez-vous que les disques ne couvrent pas le centre de l’une ou l’autre des lentilles. Cela crée un tampon entre l’objectif et les autres objets. Il rend également le microscope plus esthétique.

Faire un trou dans une boîte de film. Un oculaire n’est pas nécessaire pour ! voir les objets, mais il aide à garder l’Å"il loin de la le! ntille de vision. Cela peut aussi rendre le visionnage plus confortable. Utilisez une perceuse ou un objet d’atelier (p. ex. des ciseaux) pour percer un trou dans le fond d’une boîte de film. Le trou doit être au centre de la cartouche et assez grand pour y glisser le plus petit tube.

Commencez par une base solide. Utilisez un carré de contreplaqué ou de plastique pour fixer votre base. Utilisez une scie pour couper le carré de 10 cm (4 po) de côté. Vous voulez que la base ait une épaisseur d’environ 1,9 cm (0,75 po).

Fixer le tube du microscope sur le support vertical. Le tube du microscope doit reposer juste au-dessus de la plaque de base. Cela vous permettra de placer les échantillons sous l’objectif du microscope. Le tube peut être fixé au support vertical à l’aide de colles ou de fermetures à glissière.

Tapisser les tubes de papier noir. Le fonctionnement d’un microscope sera diminué si la lumière pénètre par le côté du! tube. Pour améliorer la capacité de fonctionnement du microscope, alignez les côtés du tube avec du papier noir. Cela aidera à absorber l’excès de lumière.

Fixez l’oculaire. Utilisez de la colle ou du ciment liquide pour maintenir l’oculaire en place. Cela vous permettra de regarder à travers l’oculaire sans qu’il ne bouge. Laissez le temps à la colle de sécher.

Glissez le petit tube à l’intérieur du grand tube. Placez l’extrémité ouverte du petit tube à l’intérieur du grand tube. Vous avez maintenant une lentille aux deux extrémités et la possibilité de les rapprocher l’une de l’autre. Cela vous permet de voir les objets et de faire la mise au point sur eux à l’aide de votre microscope.

Aug 24, 2020

How do you save another garden on Viva Pinata without doing anything to your other one?

Saran Stealy: When you start the game dont load your old garden and instead click on the start a new garden area. Also, you will keep your money and rank to share with each garden.

Delmy Varano: Listen, when you make a new garden, ALL of your gardens share the same money pool. To make a garden that has nothing to do with your old one, you need to make a new profile. Hit the X-box button in the middle of your 360 controller, click "new profile/user/whatever", and make a new garden on that profile. =)

Are there technical colleges for dental hygenists, speech and physical therapists in Georgia?!?  

Are there technical colleges for dental hygenists, speech and physical therapists in Georgia?!?  

answers 0:Are there technical colleges for dental hygenists, speech and physical therapists in Georgia?!?answers 1:None of these professionals go to "technical college".Physical therapists and speech pathologists are required to have at least a master's degree (6 yrs of college), and dental hygienists at least an associate's degree (although most have a bachelor's degree).

Aug 23, 2020

Pallet gardening tips?

Alane Antes: just screw 2 x 4's around the sides to prevent the soil from spilling 8' piece will cost you less than $2.00. ...and Home Depot and Lowes will cut to size for you too. far as the bottom, lay a bunch of layers of old newspaper on the ground. Maybe some nice neighbors would be willing to donate some....Now, let's talk about soil...this is where it can get quite expensive. ...I would consider starting a compost pile somewhere in the corner of your garden...just pile grass clippings (if you have a gardener ask him to throw them there instead of the green waste bin). also rake up leaves, let them dry, then crumble them up...if you have kids let them jump in the pile to crush them, since leaves take a long time to decompose, it's best to always add crumbled pieces to the compost. Also veggie and fruit scraps, tea bags, old coffee grounds (starbucks is happy to give them away for free), these can all go into your compost... ...mix it up once a ! week or once every two weeks and water it every now and then to get it moving quicklier. ...You'd be amazed as to how much these worms can eat... In our compost pile, i can dig my hands into the bottom of the pile and hundreds of worms are squirming's wonderful! ...and it's free highly nutritious soil!...Show more

Margart Stimpert: Container gardening is huge. Just start searching that and you may find that it would work better than pallets

Jude Kennelly: sounds like an ambitious plan, but it would be easier to just use pots and tubs

Lue Podewils: Great Plan! You will require best gardening tools to work on your plan. Learn more about gardening tools here -

Eulah Hugill: If you lay pallets down on the ground you will kill the grass. If you kill the grass it'll be better if you just dug it up to begin with. Are you planning on standing them up? Or creating easels? Don't use sheets. The! cotton will rot and you will have a BIG mess. You might start! shopping around at the Restore and other places like that.

Moved From The Nederland, moving back?  

Moved From The Nederland, moving back?  

answers 0:Hi, thank you for taking your time reading this situation I am in that I want to explain, I really appreciate all the advice's I'll get from your valuable time. I'll try to tell you this as short as I can, so I lived in the Nederland with a Dutch passport. 10 years ago, I got forced by my father to move back to Africa, so we did, now he kicked me out of the house, I have no where to go (the situation I am in is very hard). It's hard for me to make money in here, the euro currency is very high, but I worked for years now and was able to save enough to pay for an airplane ticket after the arrival to the Netherlands, I'll have 200 euro left (my calculating's). I wont have enough for an apartment, so I be homeless wandering around the streets. Please I need help, could the government help me get an gov! ernmental apartment and get me on welfare just at the beginning until I find job? That's my purpose going back there. I just need the government helping me just at the beginning until whatever job I could find no matter if I find a job in a greenhouse or any labor jobs. Do I need to have an address to get a job? My second question is which government offices do i have to apply in so they know I am back in the Nederland? I hope this did not got anyone angry toward what I am asking, thanks again and have a wonderful day!Between I am 20 years of age, graduated as a dental assistant....Show moreanswers 1:Do you still have your dutch passport current or expired ? are you a citizen of the Netherlands, seems like you are, if yes, go to the Dutch embassy and try to get help to return to the Netherlands at the embassy, then try and find a job when you return there.

Aug 22, 2020

Anyone Know a Great Landscape Company in New Hampshire?

Leontine Kreitz: There is this site, it was on Dr.Phil's most Garden Nurseries have landscape architects that come and give you an estimate

Joeann Hoyt: hi, Sharon here. i all started landscaping this year, with some straightforward grass cuts for the elderly. that's been raining alot here. between the cuts grew to become into alot greater, a panorama. i've got finished no advertising, that's been observe of mouth. I artwork for individuals who cant do their very very own gardening, I value hourly for artwork different than grass slicing. i'm honest with my customers and characteristic started to truly shield them. Be honest, be honest, know what your doing, and get obtainable and do it. I shop issues small and straightforward, yet I avg. approximately $2 hundred.00 each week. attempt a close-by paper, or seek for long grass, or yards that want some TLC. Knock on doors. that's what i might do. good luck, Sharo! n, from Pittsburgh Pa....Show more

Comment effectuer vos opérations bancaires en ligne

Comment effectuer vos opérations bancaires en ligne

Découvrez les types d’outils bancaires en ligne offerts par votre institution financière. Vous pouvez choisir les services que vous voulez lorsque vous effectuez vos opérations bancaires en ligne.

Établissez un mot de passe unique et facile à retenir pour votre compte bancaire en ligne.

Apprenez à utiliser efficacement les outils en ligne offerts par votre banque grâce à des tutoriels bancaires en ligne gratuits.

Comprendre les outils bancaires en ligne conviviaux que vous pouvez adapter à vos besoins.

Vérifiez régulièrement vos comptes pour vous assurer que les soldes de vos comptes correspondent à vos dossiers et pour vous assurer que les transactions en attente se déroulent bien.

Aug 21, 2020

Comment dessiner une pierre tombale

Comment dessiner une pierre tombale

Dessinez de l’herbe autour de la pierre tombale pour qu’elle ait l’air d’être dans un environnement.

Enfin, effacez les lignes inutiles de votre sous-tirage et coloriez-le.

Écrivez R.I.P pour « Reposez en paix ».

Dessinez un rectangle vertical.

Tracez une ligne courbe du coin supérieur gauche du rectangle original vers le coin supérieur droit.

Dessinez un contour autour de l’intérieur du premier rectangle.

Dessine des ailes sous R.I.P.

Tracez une ligne du coin supérieur gauche en oblique vers le bas vers la gauche.

Dessinez des lignes plus nettes sur le dessus de l’image, ajoutant de la texture à la pierre en dessinant des points autour de la base.

Dessinez un rectangle horizontal à l’intérieur du premier rectangle vers le haut de l’image.

Fini !

Landscaping sites?

Ambrose Mumma: If you just bought a home and you have no budget for a expert landscaper you just come to the appropriate area so that you learn how to deal with landscaping even if is your very first knowledge since is always a very first for every thing. Ideas4landscaping is a digital downloadable assortment of 300 step-by-step guides, themes and video tutorials and involves more than 7250 high resolution photographs for those individuals who are looking for inspiration and tips to boost their landscaping wants. The package comes as a Pc CD ROM as well.Full with pictures and straightforward diagrams, this system will make you look like an expert in this globe of landscaping in front of your pals and loved ones....Show more

Saran Stealy: Here's a nice site:A perennial garden that takes care of itself: free interactive landscaping website from Better Homes & Gardens. You'll have to register to log on! to their website (You don't need to buy anything or subscribe to their magazine)."Plan-a-Garden lets you design anything from a patio-side container garden to your whole yard. Use your mouse to "drag-and-drop" more than 150 trees, shrubs, and flowers. Add dozens of structures like buildings, sheds, fences, decks -- even a pond." plans: click on a plan under features landscaping images: Missouri Dept of Conservation has a site for Landscaping for backyard Wildlife: luck! Hope this helps....Show more

Aug 20, 2020

What is the best soil type for a cannabis grow op? I'm planning on starting a small grow.?

Jeannine Vassie: I'm not doing a hydroponic set up, just a regular, soil+water thing. (It's an indoor grow)

Stevie Kizziar: "I have no idea, but I hope you have the prescription to grow this stuff!! lol.... seems like a bad idea to post this question on the web if you don't :)"Relax it's the 90's

Toney Flaten: I can't possibly answer this without a lot more information, such as what your soil is like, your drainage, your rainfall, how many acres you have, whether you have any equipment at all, how many of you are "we", and so on. Are you by any large city? Do you want to grow designer veggies for restaurants? You said "marketplace", but there are lots of different markets: do you want cows or gourmets eating your corn? Once you have a crop, you need to know how and where to sell it. And harvesting requires either expensive equipment or a number of people to pick it by hand: remember, all your crop ripens all at once. I would say talk to your ag agent, but ther! e is no magic crop that requires no maintenance and guarantees you success. Marijuana has a demand in the marketplace but even it requires some work. I mention weed because I think you've been smoking if you think farming is this easy. Why don't you get a job on someone else's farm first, to see what it's really like? At least take some extension classes. You are SUCH a city slicker--I hope rabbits eat whatever you plant....Show more

Jerald Florence: Growing in soil will take you about three months growing from seed. You'll need to also watch out for male plants if you do grow from seed because they'll **** up your grow. The best way to minimise the number of males in your crop is to use a blue spectrum light during the foliage stage (18 hrs) and a red spectrum (sodium) during the budding stage. The best soil doesnt have to be expensive but should contain pearlite and and grow shops will be expensive so you can get good soil from DIY/garden centres.! You will need to get the right feed to get the best results. ! i.e rooting feed (rhizotonic) and vegetation feeds during the plants 18 hr stage and flowering and boost feeds whilst flowering (12 hrs). Make sure to flush with water for a week before you harvest to get the taste of the feed out of your crop. (Flush with three times as much water to soil each time .e. a ten litre plant pot should get 30 liters of water per flush). You should harvest your crop when 3/4's of the pistols on the buds have turned orange as this is the stage of the plants cycle when the THC levels are at their highest.Hope this is of use to you...Show more

Sharri Scalley: Try miracle grow.

Zelma Casebier: I have no idea, but I hope you have the prescription to grow this stuff!! lol.... seems like a bad idea to post this question on the web if you don't :)lol.. umm... it's not the 90's hun.... turn that number around and add a 20 in the front and then you'd be in the right year... notice anybody else answering your question? Hmmm... I wonder why.....! :)...Show more

Aug 19, 2020

im in the process of remodeling my kitchen...?

Oscar Wieland: i would like red colored cupboards color & keep tiles white as possible. also black platform will do nice combo. otherwise do green-white combo. Color a wall green & others white. also match cupboards color with it. u can paint a nice picture of fruits, utensils or paste family photographs in some nice style.

Andra Oger: You need to be careful about going with the "latest trend" for remodeling. They quickly come into fashion and then go out. A traditional look will last a lot longer.

Azzie Trembly: I have black appliances/stainless

Aug 18, 2020

is there a program to decorate pictures?

Manie Labat: u can use

Mauro Cowee: photoshop..... or just google program to decorate pictures though I doubt you will get anything free so to get that program free when you google the name just add Torrent at the end of the name or find it in limewire

What are the pro's or con's of being an Dental Hygenist or Assistant?  

What are the pro's or con's of being an Dental Hygenist or Assistant?  

answers 0:What are the pro's or con's of being an Dental Hygenist or Assistant?answers 1:Dental assistant pros:-Although you have a lot of responsibility you don't have to be "in charge". You can rely on the dentist to make the big decisions.-You will get to know the ins and outs of dentistry better than a hygienist.-You are basically the finder of all things in the dental office--hopefully ppl appreciate you for this.-If a patient is unhappy, the dentist usually handles the problem.Dental Assistant cons:-You are often not appreciated as much as any other dental team member-There is a high turnover rate of assistants because a lot of dentists treat their assistant's badly (and they often seem so nice in front of the patient)-The dentist basically watches your every move.-You wil! l be running around much more than a hygienist does.Dental Hygienist pros:-You are more highly respected, at least by your peers-Your hours are almost always very consistant.-You're not always scrambling to make room for emergency patients (though it can happen sometimes)-You get more privacy, the dentist doesn't watch your every moveDental Hygienist cons: -If something goes wrong, you are responsible for it.-You have to deal with cranky patients yourself.-You have to come up with small talk for the patient all by yourself....answers 2:I love being an assistant. The pay and hours are GREAT! The only thing I'd say that is a con is grouchy patients. Sometimes I just can't deal with their drama. But, if you get in with a good dentist, you've got it made. You get free dental care as long as you're in the profession. Other dentists offer free or highly discounted work as a "professional curtosey".Hygenist is about the same. They make a lot more money, but it's hard to find full-! time work since dentists don't use hygenists full-time. If hea! lth and other benefits are important to you, I'd maybe rethink this....answers 3:Pros-Fun job, no weekends, decent pay.Con-Having your hands in peoples mouths all day.answers 4:I'm a dental hygienist.. i love my job, its a new face every 45 minutes.. but the con of that is sometimes people are just in a bad mood and get an attitude.. i work full time, no weekends, excellent pay, holiday pay, medical benefits, free dental care, bonuses,.. if i need a day off i just have to make sure i can reschedule all my patients for that day and its no problem to take off. i enjoy going to work just have to find a friendly office where all the staff gets along, or else it could be not as fun. and as far as sticking your hands in peoples mouths all day, you get used to it, but it isnt for everyone, you will find out quickly in dental hygiene school if it is for you or not. good luck!...

Aug 17, 2020

What are the other laundry shops in Eastwood, Libis, Quezon City?

Davina Shindler: You can try Green but Cleaner Laundry Shop located just outside eastwood. It is in Unit 106 Intrepid Building, along E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave. near the entrance of eastwood. They can pick up your laundry just call them at 0923-7285903 or 697-7114

Leann Villalta: Perhaps you can check the yellow pages of the phone book for some alternative shops.

what is the best teeth whiting drug store product?  

what is the best teeth whiting drug store product?  

answers 0:what is the best teeth whiting drug store product?answers 1:Go to web site below and read about their product. Click on the ad on the right side to order. The product is similar to what the dentist use in the dental office and was created by a dentist.

Aug 16, 2020

Who knows about Chinese Laundry during the 1849 gold rush?

Chris Wilczewski: There was never a China laundry service. 1. Chinese laundries are an American invention. China had no commercial laundry service until modern times--that is after Europeans appeared and wanted the service. Chinese did their own laundry within their homes. 2. Laundries appeared here partly due to active discrimination against Chinese, and other "Asiatics." They were used as common labor, often on government contracts, starting with the railroad construction in the West. Jobs were scarce, and Chinese were disliked. Like restaurants, laundries were a cheap business for uneducated immigrants to start and run, and the absence of women and established domestic relationships, especially in the mining camps, made laundries profitable. Remember laundry was woman's work only.3. The China trade by sea depended upon the "Clipper ships" and in the US that covers about 15 years, 1845-60. The fastest ships made a one-way trip in 90+ days. Thus it would have taken! about 6 months to send and receive laundry. That would take about, what , 24 separate wardrobes (week at a wearing) to keep clothed in the interim between services. 4. Space on the trading ships, most especially on the home-bound leg, was at a premium and only the most lucrative goods could afford the cost--tea, silk, camphor wood, etc. more

Jerald Florence: I can't prove a negative, but common sense dictates that no one would pay the cost to have their laundry shipped to a different continent to be washed and have to wait three months to get their clothes back.I'm confident that before convenient and inexpensive laundry services were available, the miners washed their own clothes in streams and rivers, when they bothered to wash them at all.Added: Still, BraxOwl, even if such a service were available to wealthy San Franciscans, it just doesn't make economic sense. Great answer, FallenA....Show more

B! ell Pasco: Mistersato - I'm with you. I'm sure the miners did! n't have more than one or two sets of clothes to begin with. I'm sure they cleaned them in the streams as well.

Dorris Homola: I would love it if you would email me (from my profile) the name of this book. We homeschool, as well, and we love China and study it quite a bit in our lessons.I did not know about this prior to reading your question, but it looks like it is indeed fact. Here are a few links that came up in a quick Google search: hope this helps!EDITED TO ADD: I am sure that the miners were not the ones shipping their laundry to China, but rather it was the wealthy people in San Francisco....Show more

Reyes Brunell: No. It's a myth.

How do I clean the carpet cleaner ITSELF???

Aubrey Tirri: if you have the upright thing the tank comes off you can run warm soapy water Thur it and pour it out . You can also run hot (NOT BOILING) water Thur the whole thing outside and rinse it all out.If you have like a little green or a spot bot. put some of the carpet cleaning solution in it and put it outside and prop it up so the scrubbers cannot touch anything a let the clean water and solution clean it out for you. Wipe the outside off with a warm soapy water n wipe dry or air dry. I have a bissel upright steamer & a tank style as well this is how I clean out mine and I take the filters out and wash them off with soapy water as well and replace them. I hope that this helps you Happy cleaning.Janice...Show more

Aug 15, 2020

Idea for a health care system?

Rona Ising: The government is terrible at running pretty much anything they touch. Therefore running health care is a bad idea for the government. However they could step in and regulate the sht out of the insurance companies and do us all a world of good.

Virgilio Echter: Citizenship shouldn't be founded on the quantity of taxes a citizen pays. All existence is equally useful. I feel the bulk of the issue re the charges within the health approach are related to the advances in science. It's the advances in science where the majority of the price is, and that is the rationale why americans cannot have the funds for to pay cash out of their possess earnings to cover their wellness care expenditures. Maybe if there's a approach to drive down the charges of the science, it could minimize the over all fee far adequate where american citizens could afford to pay normal expenses and rely upon the insurance for the extra complex care they want. Crisis is, the normal Americ! an would stumble upon extremely opposed and detrimental businesses when making an attempt to appreciate that for the advantage of the American humans, [That is not an opinion, it is based on well documented research]. Best query, thanks for asking....Show more

Karie Mavle: I don't believe in govt healthcare either. Govt. just makes a mess of things. But easy solutions like capping the claim amount for malpractice cases, letting smaller businesses combine to get the healthcare rates that the larger corporations get, and letting us buy health insurance across state lines would be a big step in improving the system without govt control. But we'll never see many of these happen esp. the cap on claims, not with all the lawyers/politicians in control.

Wally Perrien: The Obama scam will be de funded, We as Americans will never be turned down for health care at the emergency room

Adrian Paraz: End "health insurance," and you will end the inflation it continuous! ly creates.

Douglass Sarley: The problem starts with the! employer system. People waste when they think it doesn't cost them anything. How many insured people ask how much their operation will cost and look to see where they can save money. Instead it is give me the best and I don't care what it costs.Get real Tort reform. Get rid of the states ability to block insurers from having monopolies.

Eli Trapeni: So let me get this straight...Government run health care = bad.Local government run health care = good.Is that what you are saying?...Show more


Comment trouver des curseurs cachés dans Windows

Comment trouver des curseurs cachés dans Windows

Ouvrez le dossier Windows et trouvez le dossier CURSORS.

Allez au démarrage et ouvrez Ordinateur.

Trouvez le curseur que vous voulez !

Allez dans le dossier Windows.

Aller au pilote OS (C :).

Aug 14, 2020

health care bill to read?

Dexter Gold: March 21, 2010For Consumers, Clarity on Health Care ChangesBy TARA SIEGEL BERNARDAmerican consumers, who spent a year watching Congress scratch and claw over sweeping health care legislation, can now try to figure out what the overhaul would mean for them.The uninsured are clearly the biggest beneficiaries of the legislation, which would extend the health care safety net for the lowest-income Americans.The legislation is meant to provide coverage for as many as 32 million people who have been shut out of the market â€" whether because insurers deem them too sick or because they cannot afford ever-rising insurance premiums.For people already covered by a large employer â€" most Americans, in other words â€" the effect would not be as significant. And yet, just about everyone might benefit from tighter insurance regulations.“We think it’s a big step forward,” said Bill Vaughan, a policy analyst at Consumers Union. “It’s going to provide a peace of min! d that many Americans who really want or need health insurance will always be able to get a quality product at a reasonable price regardless of their health or financial situation.”There would be costs to consumers, too. Affluent families would be required to pay additional taxes. Most Americans would be required to have health insurance and face federal penalties if they do not buy it. And it is still unclear what effect, if any, the legislation would have on rising out-of-pocket medical costs and premiums.But there is no question that the legislation should benefit consumers in various ways. Beginning in 2014, for example, many employers â€" those with 50 or more workers â€" could face federal fines for not providing insurance coverage. Several of the other changes would take effect much sooner.Six months after the legislation is enacted, many plans would be prohibited from placing lifetime limits on medical coverage, and they could not cancel the policies of people who! fall ill. Children with pre-existing conditions could not be ! denied coverage.And dependent children up to age 26 would be eligible for coverage under their parents’ plans â€" instead of the current state-by-state rules that often cut off coverage for children at 18 or 19.And within three months of the law’s taking effect, people who have been locked out of the insurance market because of a pre-existing condition would be eligible for subsidized coverage through a new high-risk insurance program.That special coverage would continue until the legislation’s engine kicks into a higher gear in 2014, when coverage would be extended to a wider part of the population through Medicaid and new state-run insurance exchanges.Those exchanges, or marketplaces, are meant to provide much more competitive, consumer-friendly online shopping centers of private insurance for people who are not able to obtain coverage through an employer.In 2014, people with pre-existing conditions could no longer be denied insurance, all lifetime and annual limits! on coverage would be eliminated and new policies would be required to meet higher benefit standards.Even sooner, in 2013, affluent families with annual income above $250,000 would be required to pay an additional 3.8 percent tax on their investment income, while contributing more to the Medicare program from their payroll taxes. And eventually, the most expensive insurance policies would be subject to a new tax.Here is a look at some of the main ways the health care overhaul might affect household budgets.The UninsuredAlthough most Americans who do not obtain health insurance would face a federal penalty starting in 2014, many experts question how strict the enforcement of that penalty would actually be.The first year, consumers who did not have insurance would owe $95, or 1 percent of income, whichever is greater. But the penalty would subsequently rise, reaching $695, or 2 percent of income.Families who fall below the income-tax filing thresholds would not owe anything. ! Nor would people who cannot find a policy that costs less than 8 percen! t of their income, said Sara R. Collins, a vice president at the Commonwealth Fund, an independent nonprofit research group.EXPANDED MEDICAID More lower-income individuals under the age of 65 would be covered by Medicaid, the federal health insurance plan for the poor. Under the new rules, households with income up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $29,327 for a family of four, would be eligible.EXCHANGES AND SUBSIDIES Most other uninsured people would be required to buy insurance through one of the new state-run insurance exchanges. People with incomes of more than 133 percent of the poverty level but less than 400 percent (that’s $29,327 to $88,200 for a family of four) would be eligible for premium subsidies through the exchanges.Premiums would also be capped at a percentage of income, ranging from 3 percent of income to as much as 9.5...Show more

Comment reconnaître le ballonnement chez les chiens

Comment reconnaître le ballonnement chez les chiens

p>Le flottaison est une maladie grave qui met la vie en danger. Si votre chien présente des ballonnements, plus tôt vous consulterez un vétérinaire, meilleures seront ses chances de guérison. Si vous soupçonnez un peu que votre chien présente des symptômes de ballonnement, restez calme, téléphonez immédiatement à votre vétérinaire et amenez votre chien le plus tôt possible.

Cherchez un abdomen gonflé. L’abdomen (ou ventre) est la zone derrière la cage thoracique qui s’étend en arrière vers le bassin. L’estomac se trouve dans le dôme du diaphragme, mais s’il est rempli d’air, il s’étend vers l’arrière dans le ventre. Un estomac rempli de gaz donne l’apparence physique d’un ventre gonflé.

Appelez votre vétérinaire si vous voyez des signes de choc. ! Au fur et à mesure que les toxines s’accumulent, votre chien peut commencer à être en état de choc. Cela se manifeste par un pouls faible (le pouls fémoral est situé à l’intérieur de la cuisse, parallèlement à l’os de la cuisse). Un pouls faible peut être difficile à détecter en raison de l’hypotension artérielle dans la veine et est facilement perdu lorsque la pression est appliquée avec un doigt.

Surveillez la salive qui bave. Lorsque l’estomac se retourne, il est efficacement scellé. Le contenu gastrique ne peut pas s’échapper ; cela signifie aussi que la salive, la nourriture et l’eau ne peuvent pas entrer dans l’estomac. Ainsi, votre chien peut baver de salive parce qu’il ne peut pas l’avaler.

Sachez quand le ballonnement se produit. Il est normal que de petits volumes de gaz se développent pendant la digestion (d’où la raison pour laquelle nous rotons !) Certains aliments, comme ceux qui ont une teneur élevée en c! éréales ou en légumineuses, produisent plus de gaz que d’! autres (pensez simplement aux fèves au lard !)

Vérifiez l’abdomen tympanique. L’estomac gonflé est souvent rempli de gaz ou de mousse. Lorsque vous placez une main de chaque côté de l’enflure et que vous appuyez doucement, la zone semble dure et non compressible.

Appelez votre vétérinaire si l’estomac de votre chien semble gonflé. Les chiens avec des ballonnements se détériorent rapidement de façon alarmante. Un chien qui gonfle à l’heure du coucher, s’il n’est pas traité, mourra très probablement le matin. Parfois, la détérioration est encore plus rapide et le chien peut décéder en moins de 2 heures après l’apparition des premiers symptômes. Pour cette raison, il est absolument impératif que vous appeliez votre vétérinaire immédiatement, dès que vous remarquez les symptômes suivants.

Vérifiez si votre chien a le dos courbé. Lorsque l’estomac gonfle, il pousse vers l’avant sur le diaphragme et déplace les au! tres organes abdominaux vers l’arrière. Cela cause un inconfort abdominal qui peut amener le chien à se tenir debout en position cambrée avec le dos arqué.

Réconfortez votre chien si vous ne pouvez pas aller chez le vétérinaire. Si vous n’êtes pas à proximité d’un vétérinaire, essayez de réconforter votre chien. Parle-lui calmement pour le rassurer. Au début du ballonnement, essayez de le faire marcher doucement pour aider à soulager les crampes d’estomac. Reste près de lui et garde-le calme. Essayez de trouver un vétérinaire qui viendra là où vous êtes si vous ne pouvez pas transporter votre chien chez un vétérinaire.

Familiarisez-vous avec le concept de ballonnement. Le gonflement fait référence au fait que l’estomac se remplit de gaz et se distend. L’estomac dilaté se retourne alors sur lui-même, scellant le sphincter oesophagien (l’entrée de l’estomac) et le pylore (la sortie). Les bactéries productrices de gaz em! prisonnées dans l’estomac continuent de fermenter et de produire plu! s de gaz, ce qui distend encore plus l’estomac.

Attention à la période de danger clé. La principale période de danger se situe dans les deux heures suivant l’alimentation. Toute race à poitrine profonde prédisposée au ballonnement ne devrait jamais être exercée dans les 90 à 120 minutes suivant l’ingestion.

Tenez compte des facteurs de risque qui peuvent rendre votre chien plus susceptible de souffrir de ballonnements. En raison de leur anatomie, certaines races de chiens sont plus à risque de ballonnement que d’autres. En général, les races à poitrine profonde sont plus à risque, comme le Berger allemand, le Doberman, le Doberman, le Grand Danois, le Setters irlandais et le Gordon, le Weimaraner et le Greyhound.

Cherchez des signes de douleur. GDV provoque une distension de l’estomac et est une condition douloureuse. Les chiens ne présentent pas tous la même douleur, mais les signes typiques sont les suivants :

Gardez une ! trace des vomissements ou des vomissements non productifs. La distension déclenche des récepteurs dans la paroi de l’estomac qui disent à votre chien de vomir pour vider son estomac. Cependant, l’estomac tordu est scellé et bien que le chien vomisse ou tente de vomir, il ne soulève rien d’autre que de la salive baveuse.

Reconnaissez l’effondrement. Sans traitement, votre chien peut se détériorer, avoir de la difficulté à marcher et s’affaler au sol. Comme son abdomen devient de plus en plus gonflé, le retour du sang au cÅ"ur est altéré par la pression de l’estomac (qui comprime l’aorte et la veine cave, un peu comme mettre le pied sur un tuyau d’arrosage) et le chien se met en collapsus circulatoire.

Sachez ce que le vétérinaire va faire. Le traitement vétérinaire comprend une thérapie intraveineuse agressive par voie intraveineuse pour favoriser la circulation sanguine et diluer les toxines systémiques. Une fois que votre chien! est stable, le vétérinaire lui fera une anesthésie générale et un! e laparotomie ; l’estomac sera repositionné et une incision sera faite pour libérer le gaz.

Amenez votre chien chez le vétérinaire dès que vous constatez ces symptômes. N’oubliez pas que le ballonnement est une maladie qui met la vie en danger et qui ne se prête pas aux premiers soins à la maison. Il est essentiel de demander une assistance vétérinaire immédiate.

Observez si votre chien semble agité. Un chien avec un estomac dilaté se sent mal à l’aise et nauséeux. Il a donc de la difficulté à se sentir à l’aise et il sera agité et agité.

Aug 13, 2020

Why have women’s health issues historically been ignored within the medical profession?

Leif Serabia: here is an extract from a study called: "The Patriarchal System: The Exclusion of Women in Medical Case Studies""A major example of gender bias has been the virtual absence of female participants in clinical trials involving drug research and experiments in advanced medical technology. Androcentric medicine insists that biological differences between men and women have major, inescapable health consequences, but then routinely conducts research using only male subjects. Male is the medical norm. Consider a federally funded study which examined the effects of diet on breast cancer. Only men were used as sample subjects. (Tavris, 1996). What is known about the natural history of diseases and their treatment in men is inapplicable to women. Evidence suggests that gender bias has flawed some medical research. This bias in research extends to areas such as lack of analysis of study results by gender, scarcity of interdisciplinary research, inadequate funding ! for research on diseases primarily affecting women, and lack of female researchers (Giudice, 1991: Keville, 1993). In countering these trends there also needs to be the recognition that when women are used as research subjects, they are likely to be white and middle class (Rothman and Caschetta, 1995). The interplay of race and class in particular must be accounted for to make findings applicable to a diverse population of women. Research on heart disease and AIDS are notable examples where exclusion of women in clinical trials are ominous. Two widely publicized studies on the effect of low doses of aspirin and the risk of heart attack were conducted using study samples of 12,866 general subjects and 22,071 physicians, respectively. All subjects in both studies were male ( Rosser, 1994). The reduced heart attack risk that emerged from this research was considered so spectacular that the public was made aware of the potential results before the findings were published. Th! ese findings cannot be generalized to women, in part because t! he role of estrogen needs to be considered. "There are others. Just google Sexism in Medicine....Show more

Jene Kostyla: I'm not sure, but I guess that explains women's lower life expectancy. ...oh, wait...

Claude Gloden: Retart

Alecia Kaehler: WHy does breast cancer research get more funding than prostate cancer.You are very ignorant.

Seema Hosfeld: Really guys? This is a question I have for my college level Women Gender Studies course.. It's apparent some of you haven't been to college? Seems there is only one person on here who has any knowledge on women's gender studies here.

Shelley Stevens: Yes

Scot Rotruck: You have GOT to be kidding me!

Talisha Digrande: Women's cancer research gets notably more funding than men's cancer researchUnder Obamcare there are 8 mandated free services for women, none for men.There are a few women's health care agencies, none for men.Yep, - that's ignoring women's health issues all right....Show mo! re

Aug 12, 2020

about optical to rca converter?

Alvaro Oare: well, for starters, wy would you want one? the two are such different technologies, that it would be far simpler to just get a cheap surround sound unit, and use that for the process.not to mention that it would be far easier to just use the speaker output (or headphone output) instead of the optical out, since THAT would be analog to analog, rather than the unnecessary digital to analog, requiring complex switching systems, when the headphone to RCA converter is a mere $3 on eBay, or slightly more at Radio Shack, if you have one there....Show more

Danette Slotnick: I can't help with a local source (I'm in Canada), but there are lot's of on-line sellers who will ship internationally. That said, you don't say what you want to connect to/from and there are several issues to consider.Optical is a digital signal, while "RCA" (which I assume you mean like with red/white RCA jacks) is analog audio, hence the need for a converter. Devices are sold for this b! ut vary considerably in price depending exactly what you want to do. Optical can carry 5.1 multichannel information, or it can be a stereo or even mono signal. There are three "levels" of converter device. The cheapest and most widely available (~$20) will handle digital stereo input and give analog stereo output. The next most sophisticated (~$50) will decode and convert 5.1 digital audio (e.g. from a TV) to analog stereo. The most sophisticated (~$100) will decode and convert 5.1 digital to multi-channel analog . For examples see the links. You can also do this type of conversion using an A/V receiver if you have one with optical inputs.Now you know what's possible, consider what you need (and whether it is worth the money) before tracing down a source....Show more

Affordable Dental Procedures?  

Affordable Dental Procedures?  

answers 0:I recenctly went to the dentist due to a couple of infected teeth. After a thourough look into my mouth he said that I needed a few procedures done to "save my mouth", including a couple of root canals and other extensive work. Once he left the room, his assistant stated that between her and I their is a dental school in the area that does procedures at sometimes more than half the cost of at least the dentist that I went to. She said the name, but I don't remember, and I don't want to call the office and ask her and possibly get her into any trouble.I unfortunately don't have insurance, and am awaiting the next sign up date through my work, I am also looking and considering other insurance.Does anyone know of a school in the Chicagoland / NW Indiana area where I could look into getting the work done?Thank you...Show moreanswers 1:Call the Dental office and tell them you had! a question about root canals and would like to talk to the Asst who helped with your exam. Best wishes.answers 2: was going to add Northwestern--and to show you how out of touch I am--I didn't know it had closed several years back.Hope this helps.Steve Bornfeld, DDS...answers 3:Try the local phone book or use an Internet directory. You should be able to locate a the nearest dental school rather quickly as well as phone numbers. And the assistant was correct in telling you that the cost would be significantly lower.answers 4:At - INSUREDEAL.information- you will get expenditures in in uncomplicated terms a couple of minutes RE Can somebody advise a stable and occasional priced dental plan? i'm attempting to locate a stable dental coverage it is amazingly low priced for a midsection/decrease classification citizen like myself. Can somebody advise something for somebody in my case?

Aug 11, 2020

Mental Health and Religion.(Yeah this is the baddest question)?

Cletus Crotts: Comeon manjun like if someone said he was jesus you would ask him to bring his followers in sounds like somebody isn't being realistic would say this guy has issues and if he said he was gonna bring followers you would find some mass hysteria label or some thing else in a cult disorder, my ultimate question is can a new religion be made with out acknowledging mental health. and is this healthy for society given the real history that religion have come and gone, church of scientology is an effective example, do you think there is more going on today, that greedy doctors have put mental healthy care and insurance in jeopardy, and guys like jason were maybe some kind of whistleblowers?...Show more

Coleman Deliberato: Sapphire not to be rude but your are deriding the question of its worth by using an ineffective tactic, simple said you could make your same argument about anything, simple because its diverse come on some real intelligence required! .(here come the grammar nazi for deride phase 2) lol j/k

Ester Bryand: could we have an example of what you mean. Do I think that things done in certain religions can fell under scrutiny but not many. so I don't think its a pertinent issue.

Ira Porietis: The wording of your question is confusing to me, but I think I might know what you mean.No, I do not think it's attack on religion for mental health workers to focus on ritualized behavior that is recognized as a symptom of mental illness.The key to religious experience and ritual in a mental health context is as follows:Is the behavior appropriate to the individual's culture and/or religious tradition? If so, it is not considered a symptom of mental illness. This is true even if the behavior or belief may seem bizarre to others who do not belong to the same culture or religion. For example; many people believe in faith healing, speaking in tongues, spirit possession; but all of these are considered appropriat! e in certain religious traditions although "outsiders" may fin! d them peculiar. If the individual has a so-called religious experience that is not shared or recognized by others within his or her cultural or religious group, the behavior may be a manifestation of mental illness. For example, a man says he is Jesus Christ and has risen from the dead; but there are no other people who agree with him. I used to work for a mental hospital. One time we admitted an old man who said he belonged to something called the Church of Free Love (or something like that). People thought he was delusional but he was soon allowed to go home because staff checked it out and discovered there was indeed a group by that name and it did follow the ideas that man was talking about.Edit: "Mass hysteria label?" Sorry, but there isn't any such thing. I have never heard of any mental health professional making any statement like that except perhaps in the 1800s. "Cult disorder?" I never heard of that. You are just making arbitrary arguments. I have a copy of Jung! 's "Man And His Symbols"--nice book in terms of discussion on the significance of religious ideas and culture, but I don't see how it can be used in a practical sense for mental health treatment in this day and age. I have read Joseph Campbell and Huston Smith in terms of the hero's journey and that sort of thing. Beautiful stuff, but in actual practice, mental health treatment is focused on helping people to function as well as possible within their work, family, and daily lives. If someone is looking for some kind of religious experience, they should look someplace else other than mental health treatment. Besides, insurance companies aren't going to pay for heroic travels in the subconscious. Have a nice evening....Show more

Ginny Trickett: Things You Can't Say at Work ahhh...i see the f*ck-up fairy has visited us again... i don't know what your problem is, but i'll bet it's hard to pronounce. i see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public! . i'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter. it sounds like engl! ish, but i can't understand a word you're saying. i can see your point, but i still think you're full of sh*t. i like you. you remind me of when i was young and stupid. you are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers. i have plenty of talent and vision. i just don't give a damn. i'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth. thank you. we're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. what am i? flypaper for freaks!? yes, i am an agent of satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial. and your crybaby whiny-butt opinion would be...? do i look like a people person? this isn't an office. it's hell with fluorescent lighting. sarcasm is just one more service we offer. if i throw a stick, will you leave? i'm trying to imagine you with a personality. can i trade this job for what's behind door #1? how do i set a laser printer to stun? i thought i wanted a career, turns out i just wanted a paycheck....Show more

Ollie Desalvo: Also in response to sap! phire psychiatry is a modern science, psychology(therapy) can be traced far back and some argue strongly of its origin stemming from religious shamans and wise men of older age tribes.I'm very confident that psychology has been around for awhile in that sense.

Salvatore Walls: Jason I know what you mean you get the "extra" pay check for a couple weeks so you don't ask questions.

Rona Espalin: mental health person for 10 plus years. u say what u are trained to say. I am a male and stood up for me being an assistant manager at the group home where they were females (co-ed) i got fired for mentioning this to hr. religion may, in ur situation be a tool, but ultimately, it sound to me like an attempt to call their families and get around the rules. correct me if i'm wrong, but if ur female hang in there. Males get fired.and they've got the legal bribes to prove it.

Elva Batie: I am a mental health counselor and you really have some valid questions. First, yes ! I think that those that are treated can and often do become the analyze! rs, especially if they began therapy when they were young. Kids, teenager, or young adults often "catch on" really quick to the process of cognitive behavioral therapy and "give the therapist what they want to hear" so they can leave. That's why it is so important to change things around. There are several theories to use and it is important to use them all.The second part of your question struck me as being true a lot of the time, but it shouldn't be. Unless the therapist is advertised as being religion related, the therapist view of a religion should not enter the picture. When it comes to ritualistic behavior, very often, in my practice, religious ritualistic behavior IS the problem. I don't work with the ritualistic behaviors unless they are extremely harmful (like self harmers) or the person if seeking therapy because ritualistic behavior is effecting their lives to the point that they cannot function as an "average" person would. Religion should not be part of therapy! because every person's view of religion is different and no therapist has the right to force their beliefs on someone else, least of all their patients. So yes, I believe that it is unethical to put religious values on trial in all situations, unless, again, the therapist is of a particular religious background and the patient knows that going in.Additional:While psychology did not emerge as a separate discipline until the late 1800s, its earliest history can be traced back to the time of the early Greeks. During the 17th-century, the French philosopher Rene Descartes introduced the idea of dualism, which asserted that the mind and body were two separate entities that interact to form the human experience. Many other issues still debated by psychologists today, such as the relative contributions of nature vs. nurture, are rooted in these early philosophical traditions. So what makes psychology different from philosophy? While early philosophers relied on methods such as ob! servation and logic, today’s psychologists utilize scientific methodo! logies to study and draw conclusions about human thought and behavior. Physiology also contributed to psychology’s eventual emergence as a scientific discipline. Early physiology research on brain and behavior had a dramatic impact on psychology, ultimately contributing to the application of scientific methodologies to the study of human thought and behavior. Psychology Emerges as a Separate DisciplineDuring the mid-1800s, a German physiologist named Wilhelm Wundt was using scientific research methods to investigate reaction times. His book published in 1874, Principles of Physiological Psychology, outlined many of the major connections between the science of physiology and the study of human thought and behavior. He later opened the first world’s first psychology lab in 1879 at the University of Leipzig. This event is generally considered the official start of psychology as a separate and distinct scientific discipline. How did Wundt view psychology? He perceived the s! ubject as the study of human consciousness and sought to apply experimental methods to studying internal mental processes. While his use of a process known as introspection is seen as unreliable and unscientific today, his early work in psychology helped set the stage for future experimental methods. An estimated 17,000 students attended Wundt’s psychology lectures, and hundreds more pursued degrees in psychology and studied in his psychology lab. While his influence dwindled in the years to come, his impact on psychology is unquestionable. Structuralism Becomes Psychology’s First School of ThoughtEdward B. Titchener, one of Wundt’s most famous students, would go on to found psychology’s first major school of thought. According to the structuralists, human consciousness could be broken down into much smaller parts. Using a process known as introspection, trained subjects would attempt to break down their responses and reactions to the most basic sensation and percep! tions. While structuralism is notable for its emphasis on scientific re! search, its methods were unreliable, limiting, and subjective. When Titchener died in 1927, structuralism essentially died with him. The Functionalism of William JamesPsychology flourished in American during the mid- to late-1800s. William James emerged as one of the major American psychologists during this period and the publication of his classic textbook, The Principles of Psychology, established him as the father of American psychology. His book soon became the standard text in psychology and his ideas eventually served as the basis for a new school of thought known as functionalism. The focus of functionalism was on how behavior actually works to help people live in their environment. Functionalists utilized methods such as direct observation. While both of these early schools of thought emphasized human consciousness, their conceptions of it were significantly different. While the structuralists sought to break down mental processes into their smallest parts, the func! tionalists believed that consciousness existed as a more continuous and changing process. While functionalism is no longer a separate school of thought, it would go on to influence later psychologists and theories of human thought and behavior. Next: Psychoanalysis - The Psychology of Sigmund Freud... Actually the study of the psychology, in the beginning, was considered quite antireligious and anyone who subscribed to it was an outcast. As far as Freud, he thought that everything having to do with the psyche related somehow to sex. Not to cut down his theories, he contributed a lot, but he was preoccupied with sex. Jung's inclusion of dreams, mythology and philosophy also hurt his credibility, especially among the religions, which is why he eventually included relgion in his theory. Those with mental problems were thought to be possessed and a person did not go through "Therapy." They were exorcised and most wound up dea! d.In the end, as with everything else, it depends on the therapist or "! counselor" as to what eventually happen in psychoanalysis. You're putting all the eggs in one basket but it's not the status quo, it's the individual....Show more

Hye Caulley: My ultimate concept is that psychiatry promotes massive disbelief and psychology in a jungian sense is better, and primarily because of the difference in freud and carl jung with in the idea or how they tolerated religions, freuds didnt as much, jung was open to it.



answers 0:I bought petdental toothpaste for cats about a year ago and my cat has hated it so bad- I've stopped brushing his teeth. (he doesn't have dental problems but I would like to prevent them.) is there any specific brand and/or flavor many cats take to? Thanks.answers 1:Cotgate, from the creators of Colgateanswers 2:Try the "C.E.T. Enzymatic Toothpaste" it works really well for my cat, and she loves the taste. Even if your cat doesn't like it, start brushing at least once a day, it'll help prevent painful dental problems in the future. If that doesn't work, try one from your vet, they normally can recommend something to you!

Aug 10, 2020

How is a healthy man's facial expression when he achieves orgasm?

Jodie Capella: Indifferent!

Elbert Donatelli: A facial expression is like a reflex when a guy has an orgasm, and has nothing to do with his health.

Phil Kuarez: A mans facial expression during orgasm has nothing to do at all with his health.

Providencia Serpe: amazed and indiscribable..

Leticia Laiben: psh i dunno but i think mine looks like i'm having a stroke

Cómo escribir una carta de notificación a su arrendador

Cómo escribir una carta de notificación a su arrendador

Mudarse de una casa de alquiler o de un apartamento puede ser un tiempo ocupado y estresante. Si usted está alquilando y está considerando mudarse, tendrá que informarle al propietario de sus planes. El tipo de aviso que se le pedirá que le dé al propietario variará dependiendo de los términos de su contrato de arrendamiento y de las leyes de tenencia de su estado. En general, tendrá que cumplir con los términos de su contrato de alquiler, escribir su carta de notificación y entregarla al propietario. Independientemente del estado en el que viva, siga las instrucciones de este artículo para notificar con éxito al propietario de su intención de terminar su contrato de arrendamiento.

Indique el propósito de su carta de notificación. El primer párrafo del cuerpo de su carta de! notificación debe indicar la razón por la que está escribiendo la carta. Esto le da al propietario una idea de cómo debe responder, si es que necesita responder.

Incluya la fecha en que desocupará el espacio alquilado. Además de la fecha de entrega, el cuerpo de su carta también debe indicar la fecha en la que abandonará el local. Esta fecha tendrá que ser algún tiempo después de que el período de aviso requerido haya terminado.

Fecha de la carta de notificación. Ya sea antes o después de la dirección del propietario, usted incluirá la fecha de entrega de su aviso. Esto asegura que el propietario entienda cuándo comenzará el período de notificación.

Lea la cláusula de terminación en su contrato de arrendamiento. Su contrato de alquiler puede o no incluir una cláusula de terminación. Si lo hace, asegúrese de leerlo y entenderlo porque en la mayoría de las situaciones esto le dará instrucciones sobre cómo terminar su contrato de ! arrendamiento.

Pida que le devuelvan los depósitos reem! bolsables. En otro párrafo del cuerpo, usted debe solicitar respetuosamente que cualquier depósito reembolsable (por ejemplo, depósito de seguridad) le sea devuelto al desalojar satisfactoriamente el local. Además de solicitar que se le devuelvan los depósitos, usted debe indicar todas las razones por las que ha cumplido con el contrato de arrendamiento y, por lo tanto, por qué merece que se le devuelvan los depósitos.

Muévase antes de la fecha requerida. Una vez que haya entregado su aviso, asegúrese de desalojar la propiedad en o antes de la fecha que especificó en su carta de aviso.

Haga una copia de su carta de notificación. Una vez que haya escrito la carta de notificación, haga un par de copias para usted. Si su arrendador no recibe el aviso, o si hay alguna disputa sobre el aviso, usted querrá una copia que pueda mirar hacia atrás.

Busque una cláusula de entrega en su contrato de arrendamiento. Además de entender cuánta notificació! n necesita proporcionarle a su arrendador, también necesita entender cómo debe entregar esa notificación. Si su contrato de alquiler establece la manera en que usted debe entregar el aviso, entonces usted debe seguir ese lenguaje. Si su contrato de arrendamiento es silencioso, entonces usted debe seguir las leyes de su estado.

Entregue la carta de notificación al propietario de manera apropiada. Después de decidir cuándo quiere entregar su aviso, recuerde revisar su contrato de arrendamiento o las leyes de su estado y entender cómo tendrá que entregar su aviso. Asegúrese de seguir los procedimientos correctos para asegurarse de que su aviso sea válido.

Sepa qué tipo de tenencia tiene. Con el fin de proporcionar un aviso adecuado para terminar su contrato de arrendamiento, usted necesitará saber qué tipo de tenencia usted y el propietario han firmado. Para los contratos de alquiler residencial, el tipo más común de tenencia es la tenencia periódic! a. Los arrendamientos periódicos pueden ser de muchas formas, pero dos! de las más comunes incluyen:

Dirija la carta al propietario. Cuando usted escribe su aviso de terminación a su arrendador, necesita dirigir la carta apropiadamente. Para ello, lea su contrato de arrendamiento y encuentre la dirección oficial del propietario. Si no se proporciona, llame al propietario y pregúntele cómo se debe dirigir la carta. Si no puede comunicarse con el propietario, use la dirección que tiene para pagar el alquiler.

Firme su carta de notificación. Una vez que haya escrito toda la carta de notificación, querrá firmarla. Esto lo hará oficial y ayudará si hay alguna disputa entre usted y el propietario acerca del aviso.

Elija cuándo desea entregar su carta de notificación al propietario. Después de completar su carta de aviso de terminación, usted querrá considerar cuándo dársela al propietario. Recuerde, el período de notificación no comenzará hasta que su notificación sea entregada al propietario.

Déle al p! ropietario su nueva dirección. Antes de terminar la carta, asegúrese de darle al propietario su nueva dirección. Esta nueva dirección es donde se le enviará su depósito reembolsable, así como cualquier notificación que necesite recibir después de desalojar el lugar.

Aug 9, 2020

Universal heath care!!!!!!!?

Salvatore Walls: Nexgen medical has developed a migration software that has volume independent. The software migrates records from legacy systems into a viewer that is easy to use. The pricing of the software is independent from the number of records that are being migrated. Competitors base their pricing on the number of records that will be migrated. To know more visit

Jose Bouliouris: you should write about how there are NO benefits to universal health care

Fermin Tara: I don't know of any.

Rhett Kaines: Common arguments forwarded by supporters of universal health care systems include: * Health care is a basic human right[82][78][83] or entitlement.[84] * Ensuring the health of all citizens benefits a nation economically.[85] * About 60% of the U.S. health care system is already publicly financed with federal and state taxes, property taxes, and tax subsidies - a universal health care system would merely replace private/em! ployer spending with taxes. Total spending would go down for individuals and employers.[86] * A single payer system could save $286 billion a year in overhead and paperwork.[87] Administrative costs in the U.S. health care system are substantially higher than those in other countries and than in the public sector in the US: one estimate put the total administrative costs at 24 percent of U.S. health care spending.[88] * Several studies have shown a majority of taxpayers and citizens across the political divide would prefer a universal health care system over the current U.S. system[89][90][91] * Universal health care would provide for uninsured adults who may forgo treatment needed for chronic health conditions.[92] * Wastefulness and inefficiency in the delivery of health care would be reduced.[93] * America spends a far higher percentage of GDP on health care than any other country but has worse ratings on such criteria as quality of care, efficiency of car! e, access to care, safe care, equity, and wait times, accordin! g to the Commonwealth Fund.[94] * A universal system would align incentives for investment in long term health-care productivity, preventive care, and better management of chronic conditions.[95] * Universal health care could act as a subsidy to business, at no cost thereto. (Indeed, the Big Three of U.S. car manufacturers cite health-care provision as a reason for their ongoing financial travails. The cost of health insurance to U.S. car manufacturers adds between USD 900 and USD 1,400 to each car made in the U.S.A.)[96] * The profit motive adversely affects the cost and quality of health care. If managed care programs and their concomitant provider networks are abolished, then doctors would no longer be guaranteed patients solely on the basis of their membership in a provider group and regardless of the quality of care they provide. Theoretically, quality of care would increase as true competition for patients is restored.[97] * A 2008 opinion poll of 2,000 US! doctors found support for a universal health care plan at 59%-32%, which is up from the 49%-40% opinion of physicians in 2002. These numbers include 83% of psychiatrists, 69% of emergency medicine specialists, 65% of pediatricians, 64% of internists, 60% of family physicians and 55% of general surgeons. The reasons given are an inability of doctors to decide patient care and patients who are unable to afford care.[98] * According to an estimate by Dr. Marcia Angell roughly 50% of health care dollars are spent on health care, the rest go to various middlemen and intermediaries. A streamlined, non-profit, universal system would increase the efficiency with which money is spent on health care.[99] * In countries in Western Europe with public universal health care, private health care is also available, and one may choose to use it if desired. Most of the advantages of private health care continue to be present, see also two-tier health care.[100] * Universal health c! are and public doctors would protect the right to privacy between insur! ance companies and patients.[101] * Public health care system can be used as independent third party in disputes between employer and employee.[102] * Libertarians and conservatives can favor universal health care, because in countries with universal health care, the government spends less tax money per person on health care than the U.S. For example, in France, the government spends $569 less per person on health care than in the United States. This would allow the U.S. to adopt universal health care, while simultaneously cutting government spending and cutting taxes.[103]...Show more

Comment utiliser des piles AAA comme piles AA

Comment utiliser des piles AAA comme piles AA

Déchirer un morceau de papier d’aluminium et l’enrouler en une petite boule. La taille de la boule doit être la même que celle de l’espace supplémentaire dans l’emplacement de la pile de votre appareil.

Procurez-vous votre appareil qui a besoin de piles AA et procurez-vous vos piles AAA.

Fini. Votre appareil pourra fonctionner.

Placez le papier d’aluminium dans l’espace. La feuille d’aluminium doit se trouver sur la borne négative de la batterie et non sur la borne positive.

Prends du papier d’aluminium.

Placez les piles AAA dans l’emplacement pour piles de votre appareil. Vous verrez évidemment un peu plus d’espace dans l’emplacement, puisque les piles AAA sont plus petites que les piles AA.

Aug 8, 2020

For Those of You In the Medical Field, What is Your Opinion on 'Socialized' or 'Universal' Health Care?

Hollis Demasters: Anything the government gets a hold of, they make more expensive and less efficient.If they raise your taxes, are you really saving money?I think the more you make something tax friendly like say, a HSA, the better. The more you invite a tax raise, the poorer the populace becomes.Not to mention we'll lose all the Canadian business from folks up there who are dissatisfied with their universal health care....Show more

Joellen Zorrilla: All you have to do is ask people from a country that has it.They say it sucks!!

Bryant Chaudhry: My believe is that socializing medicine or, say having universal coverage has its pros and cons. Let us make something clear, if that is to happen, there will still be private practice for people who can afford it. As far as availability of health'll be there, but people will be seeing a designated physician (can't choose), There will be a physician covering in designated clinics. Heck, you might have docto! r coming to see you in you home. The physician will not get paid much, but will perhaps be compensated depending on the quantity of patients or contribution he or she makes to the community. Not too many physicians will be happy about it. Patients will not necessarily have individualized care, but again..are we getting that under the current system here in the USA? On the other hand the tax payerer will be required to pay a fixed tax. Take Germany for example, tax is over 15%just to have the health system they have. InEnglandystem is similar but doctors travel to Germany because they pay better. The quality get a bit affected in socialized medicine, because incentives are not that great for providers. Now, as far as the people in need (and mamights well include the middle class of the USA) socialized medicine would be welcome. This country will be a tough one to implement universal medicine. They may call it a pseudo universal/socialized medicine, but it will be just th! at "pseudo"....Show more

Ruby Martis: I'm not a doctor, ! but I found this site recently. You might be interested in it; it's one take on your question.

Aug 7, 2020

How often should you condition your hair?

Neville Dautremont: that sounds about right to me! it depends on what type of hair you have as well. my trick is to ring out my hair (after shampooing) flip my head over, and scrunch it in like I'm applying mousse. i dont want it on my scalp, because your scalp is oily and doesn't need to be conditioned.

Barton Slisz: You wash hair every two days? You're taking away the hair natural oil. Shampoo once a wk. and condition afterwards

Willa Holte: every 2 days but wash it everyday

Thurman Buege: ew. you should really shower every day. and condition every day.

Indira Wassell: That's good. You really don't need to wash your hair everyday. It will dry your hair out. If you have frizzy curly hair, wash evey other day and condition everyday to cut down on frizzyness.

Indira Wassell: that is good enough. you dont need soo much condition because your hair will become dry.

Rebbecca Sorkin: It depends on the condition of your hair, if it is dry or! chemically treated then you want to condition every time you shampoo and also do a deep conditioning treatment once every week or two. If you have normal or oily hair then you should only condition the mid shaft and ends of your hair so that your scalp doesn't get too greasy.

Boyce Gilhooly: If it seems to be working for you, then you are doing it right for you.

Mitchel Demry: that sounds pretty right. you dont want to condition it to much or it will get dryed out. you should really think of washing your hair every other day instead of every 2 days. i think it is just healthier.

Wilfredo Muldoon: Then your doing it right girly.................. hair loves to be conditioned ....... and your doing well not to wash it everyday. Washing hair every day stresses it out ( especially if it is long).... it needs time for the oils to get through it to keep it healthy..... it helps the scalp from becoming too dried out too.Professional stylist in Canada

Comment gagner le cœur d

Comment gagner le cÅ"ur d

Sois romantique. Les filles tombent presque toujours amoureuses des mecs romantiques.

Invite-la à sortir dans un endroit spécial, un endroit qu’elle n’oubliera jamais. Si vous sortez ensemble depuis environ une semaine et que vous avez l’impression qu’elle pourrait vous plaire, n’hésitez pas à lui demander de sortir avec vous. Ayez confiance en vous et pensez à quel point il vaut la peine de demander, car si elle est d’accord, vous aurez beaucoup de plaisir.

Essayez de savoir si elle est heureuse et à l’aise avec vous.

Faites-la rire. Les filles adorent les mecs marrants ! Mais ne dites pas des choses dégoûtantes que vous trouvez drôles, car cela ne ferait que la dégoûter.

Dites-lui qu’elle est belle et souriante, mais soyez sincère. Rien n’est pire que de dire à une fille qu’elle est belle quand elle sait que ce n’est pas vrai. Essa! yez de lui faire des compliments sur des choses précises, comme la beauté de ses cheveux ou la douceur de sa main dans la vôtre.

Avoir l’air et sentir bon. Habillez-vous de vêtements frais et portez de l’eau de Cologne ou quelque chose comme ça, mais n’allez pas trop loin.

Souriez souvent quand vous êtes avec elle.

Assure-toi d’être dans un endroit privé si tu veux t’embrasser. La plupart des filles préfèrent un baiser romantique privé. Ça ne veut pas dire que tu l’emmènes dans ta chambre dans ton lit. Emmenez-la dans un endroit calme et romantique et elle recevra probablement le message que vous voulez un baiser. Mais si elle ne veut pas venir dans un endroit privé avec toi, c’est soit qu’elle n’est pas prête à t’embrasser, c’est sa première fois, elle se sent mal à l’aise avec toi ou elle est juste nerveuse ou timide. Ne la forcez pas quand elle sera prête, vous le saurez.

Lève-toi pour elle. Si quelqu’! un parle mal d’elle, même si ce n’est pas sérieusement, ! ne le tolérez pas.

Flirt ! La plupart des filles aiment les mecs qui flirtent. Mais n’en faites pas trop. Vous pouvez flirter avec elle en lui souriant beaucoup, en la chatouillant doucement (bien que certaines filles n’aiment pas être chatouillées), en la complimentant, en lui disant que c’était amusant d’être avec elle ou en lui faisant un clin d’Å"il (beaucoup de filles trouvent ça vraiment sexy quand un garçon leur fait un clin d’Å"il, alors essayez-le). Vous pouvez aussi flirter à votre façon, tant que vous ne faites pas quelque chose qu’elle n’aime pas. Une mauvaise récolte fera une très mauvaise impression.

Moque-toi d’elle, et sois enjoué. Ne la blessez pas, ne la taquinez pas en plaisantant et en vous amusant, et assurez-vous qu’elle sache que vous ne faites que plaisanter. Ne la taquine jamais en te moquant d’elle.

Soyez confiant. Les filles adorent quand les garçons ont confiance en eux. Pour avoir confiance en! soi, il faut croire en soi. Cependant, ne soyez pas arrogant.

Regardez-moi dans les yeux. Si elle vous regarde en arrière, alors la réponse pourrait être positive ! Mais ne vous regardez pas pendant une heure sans rien d’autre à faire.

Tenez-lui la main. Si elle essaie de s’approcher de toi, ça peut signaler qu’elle t’aime bien. Si elle sourit et/ou rougit, cela peut vouloir dire qu’elle vous aime bien mais qu’elle est timide.

Faites attention à son langage corporel. Si elle essaie de s’approcher de toi, te tient la main et te serre doucement, te sourit beaucoup, te regarde la plupart du temps, te regarde, te serre dans ses bras, te serre dans ses bras, te pique la joue, alors ça veut dire qu’elle t’aime bien et qu’elle est heureuse d’être avec toi et elle avait vraiment envie de sortir avec toi. (Si elle ne fait pas très attention à toi, tu pourrais la rendre jalouse en flirtant avec une autre fille devant elle. Soyez prud! ent avec ceci.)

Montre-lui que tu tiens à elle ! Par exemple, di! tes-lui que vous êtes prêt à l’aider à faire ses devoirs (si elle vous demande de l’aider à faire ses devoirs) plutôt que d’aller à la fête de votre amie.

Fais-en un rendez-vous romantique. Faites une promenade avec elle au coucher du soleil sur la plage. Ce serait l’endroit parfait pour essayer de l’embrasser.

Aug 6, 2020

Is beurgers disease hereditary?

Arlen Decorte: As far as I am aware beurgers disease is not hreditary. See the attached link to a site for more information.

Manie Labat: The precise cause of Buerger's disease, also known as thromboangiitis obliterans, is unknown.It's believed that in genetically susceptible individuals, smoking triggers an autoimmune response that causes the inflammation. The symptoms occur as a result of inadequate blood supply to the tissues.

Comment nettoyer les planchers de bois franc

Comment nettoyer les planchers de bois franc

p>Le nettoyage d’un objet aussi précieux que le bois dur peut être intimidant, surtout si vous n’êtes pas sûr du fini. Pour nettoyer votre plancher de bois franc sans endommager le fini, suivez ces étapes. Patience et un peu d’huile de coude sont tout ce dont vous aurez besoin pour obtenir de beaux sols propres.

Nettoyer les endroits difficiles à l’aide d’un chiffon. Trempez le chiffon dans la solution de nettoyage et frottez-le sur les taches avec vos mains pour appliquer une pression plus dirigée.

Choisissez le bon produit de nettoyage. Pour le nettoyage général, choisissez un nettoyant à base d’eau à pH neutre, comme ceux conçus pour les planchers de vinyle ou les nettoyants spécifiques au bois franc. Pour dissoudre la graisse et la saleté, choisissez un nettoyant alc! alin à base d’eau : des savons, des détergents ou un peu de bicarbonate de soude dissous dans l’eau suffisent, mais à utiliser avec modération. Pour dissoudre l’eau dure ou les dépôts minéraux, choisissez un nettoyant acide à base d’eau ; le vinaigre blanc ou le jus de citron dans l’eau serait un bon agent de rinçage à cet effet.

Utilisez la vadrouille pour faire tremper l’excès de liquide sur le sol. Remplacez l’eau sale par de l’eau fraîche et propre. Rincez et raclez la serpillière pour qu’elle soit humide et utilisez-la pour recueillir l’eau sale qui reste sur le sol. Presser la raclette dans votre seau propre et répéter l’opération.

Déterminez votre type de fini de bois franc. Les planchers préfinis sont les plus faciles à repérer, car chaque planche a des bords biseautés (légèrement surélevés). Si la surface n’est pas brillante, vous avez un plancher teinté ou non fini. Les sols brillants sont les plus diff! iciles à distinguer. Pour tester la présence de cire sur vot! re sol, humidifiez la laine d’acier extra-fine et frottez la sur une surface discrète ; si une tache gris clair apparaît sur la laine, vous obtenez une finition à la cire. Pour vérifier si vous avez un joint de surface ancien ou moderne, placez quelques gouttes d’eau sur la partie la plus usée du plancher ; s’il reste perlé après plusieurs minutes, vous avez probablement un joint moderne, mais s’il semble tremper ou foncer le bois, vous avez soit un joint plus ancien, soit un joint mal fini qui doit être manipulé avec précaution.

Nettoyez votre plancher avec la solution de nettoyage choisie. Plongez une vadrouille dans un seau de votre produit nettoyant dilué dans l’eau. Passez-le sur le sol en suivant le fil du bois, en commençant dans le coin le plus éloigné et en travaillant vers une porte pour ne jamais avoir à marcher sur un sol mouillé. Remplissez le seau si la solution est trop sale.

Enlevez vos chaussures. Cela vous empêchera d! e marquer ou de salir le sol pendant que vous nettoyez.

Essuyez immédiatement tout déversement humide sur les planchers de bois franc. Quel que soit votre fini, vous ne devriez jamais laisser l’humidité s’asseoir sur un plancher de bois franc. Cela peut endommager le joint et le bois de façon permanente si vous ne faites pas attention. Essuyez-le avec un chiffon humide, puis séchez complètement la surface.

Balayer le sol avec un balai à poils doux. Cela enlèvera les grosses particules comme le sable ou les gravillons qui peuvent égratigner le plancher s’ils sont pris sous un balai à franges. Vous pouvez également passer l’aspirateur sur le sol, à condition que les poils soient allongés pour éviter les rayures et qu’il n’y ait que de la poussière sur le sol.

Poncez le sol avec un chiffon éponge (en option). Bien que cela lui donnera un bel éclat, il ne devrait presque pas y avoir d’humidité sur le sol, ce qui signifie que vou! s pouvez aussi le laisser s’évaporer tout seul.

Tenez-vous en ! au balayage et à la vadrouille chaque semaine, ne nettoyez le plancher en profondeur qu’au besoin. Bien que vous devriez balayer et/ou passer l’aspirateur régulièrement pour garder le plancher exempt de poussière et d’agents abrasifs, vous ne devriez nettoyer votre bois franc que lorsqu’il en a vraiment besoin. Cela prolongera la durée de vie de votre plancher.

Diluer le produit de nettoyage choisi dans un seau d’eau. Pour éviter les traces d’eau dure, vous pouvez acheter de l’eau distillée, qui peut être achetée à bon marché dans votre supermarché local. Cependant, un essuyage rapide avec un mélange de jus de citron et d’eau après le nettoyage préviendra également les stries, si séché à la main par la suite.

Remplissez un seau d’eau. Pour éviter les traces d’eau dure, vous pouvez acheter de l’eau distillée, qui peut être achetée à bon marché dans votre supermarché local.

Dépoussiérer le sol avec une vadrou! ille légèrement humidifiée. Tremper une vadrouille dans un seau d’eau, l’essorer complètement et la passer sur le sol avec le fil du bois. Tant que vous pouvez encore essorer l’eau de la serpillière avec vos mains, elle est trop humide pour être utilisée. Lavez souvent la vadrouille pendant le nettoyage et remplissez le seau si l’eau devient trop sale.

Nettoyez les endroits difficiles avec un chiffon et une touche d’essence minérale inodore. Bien qu’ils soient trop forts pour une utilisation régulière, les essences minérales peuvent être un excellent moyen d’éliminer les taches comme les taches d’eau blanche.

Poncez le sol avec un chiffon éponge (en option). Vous pouvez également utiliser la méthode de la serpillière pour sécher le sol. Vous éviterez ainsi les rayures et protégerez la durée de vie de votre plancher.

Rincer le sol avec la serpillière propre. Ceci enlèvera toutes les traces tachées ou ternes de votre s! olution nettoyante.

Aug 5, 2020

Why is fitness so hard to gain?

Chris Rosenkranz: Becz it's easy to gain weight rather then of lossing and fitness.

Raven Purl: Its not hard to gain, it just takes a lot of work and persistence. You have done nothing for the last year, so you cant expect to be as fit as you were a year ago. Think about how long you had been training last time to get to the fitness level you were at. It will only take a couple of months, if you keep at it, and you will be feeling your best again. You have to learn to push past your comfort zone to be a boxer. That's what its all about.

Aug 4, 2020

Poll & coke Or Diet Coke?

Shan Lanen: yep

Mickey Isle: coke can't stand the diet one taste's like ****

Moises Rupinski: nope.

Dewey Heersink: Coke Zero.

Adan Stribble: i like both their both strong as hell.!

Lyndon Mattas: Which do you prefer & Do you usually have anything to drink along with your doughnuts?

Cliff Tyre: Coke.

Bryant Chaudhry: Neither. Love cream filling. Usually drink coffee with it.

Michal Semple: one has an awful after taste

Providencia Serpe: Coca Cola.

Newton Fedorko: Diet coke....

Esmeralda Pigram: Jelly! With a hot chocolate or iced tea.

Norma Marsalis: Dawgs or Dogs

Geraldo Mccalla: u can clean it up with shamwow

Loriann Carrigan: Cats.

Tana Dumoulin: Milk.

Corey Rohleder: Cats :D

Florencio Dingle: 12 cats 2 dogsi would like to have more dogs thoughstray cats just show up and mom takes them in. we have a cat patio out back so the cats can go outside in a cage. it! s like a zoo. but for the cats.i love both. i just hate cat boxes

Ardath Templer: Regular coke .

Derrick Cacioppo: Dogs,

Karl Jantzen: Regular coke. Diet coke has aspartame in it

Joellen Zorrilla: I do both but I prefer smoking.

Joaquin Dronko: Coke

Esmeralda Pigram: I drink.

Bryant Pillitteri: neither

Bryant Chaudhry: everyone who says cats has no heart

Tereasa Sorensen: Cats. I mean dogs are cute and playful, but they smell b.a.d

Dick Baumgarten: I don't drink anything diet

Karl Samiec: Coke.

Gaston Edgcomb: No, I don't. I see it as pointless.

Lawanna Livsey: Some people are weird about the custard, but i love 'em.As well as Chocolate filled doughnuts

Rodolfo Merel: Smoke? YesDrink? Yes

Tana Dumoulin:

Sammy Kar: Jam filled. I don't usually drink anything with them.

Darnell Cutliff: i like them all. also sugar glyders

Tyler Burkman:

Luke Creitz: mom! is an alcoholic, I don't wanna go there too :O And I have ast! hma, so smoking is a no as well

Corey Rohleder:  Cats..

Marcelle Vanlith: Jam

Cuc Gire: nope

Adan Stribble: Both. Both of them are cute yet some of them are ugly. I personally hat Chiwawa's but I love **** Zoos. I love Kittens but when they grow they get ugly. So I can't really Decide.

Ollie Hamiel: Jam, of course!And I like tea with anything like that =^___^=

Lilli Kochel: both, but i don't smoke cigarette - just drugs.

Hunter Osterberger: Custard,Tea.

Aug 3, 2020

Name types of diets.?

Peter Lapoint: grapefruit diet3 day diet12 day dietslim fast dietdaniel diet

Alden Sabio: The atkins dietsouth beach dietjenny craigehmm thats all i know lol

Esmeralda Pigram: -atkins-british heart foundation diet-special k two week 'challenge' (basically diet)-blood type diet-cabbage soup diet (I'm not making that up, jennifer aniston did it!)-caveman diet (where you eat all you want for one hour in the afternoon but you're not allowed anything else all day!)...Show more

Aug 2, 2020

dental assistant?

Leticia Laiben: Research your local Community College. Usually you can apply for admission to a Dental Assisting Program at the CC. And you'll most likely get in because all CC's have "open-admission". You can register as a part-time or full-time student.

Comment nettoyer le mortier des briques

Comment nettoyer le mortier des briques

p>Le mortier séché sur la surface de la brique est inesthétique et peut ruiner l’apparence d’un mur. La façon la plus simple d’avoir des briques propres est d’éviter les éclaboussures de mortier pendant la construction des murs, mais vous pouvez aussi ciseler le mortier une fois qu’il est sec. Pour le mortier que vous ne pouvez pas enlever quoi que vous fassiez, l’utilisation d’acide muriatique pour enlever le mortier résistant peut être une bonne solution. Quelle que soit votre situation, il est important que vous suiviez les bonnes procédures et que vous preniez des précautions de sécurité lorsque vous enlevez le mortier des briques.

Essuyer l’excédent de mortier avec une brosse métallique dure. Faites un mouvement de va-et-vient sur la surface de la brique pour enlever la poussière de mortier qui s’est brisée. Es! sayez de gratter tout mortier têtu qui n’a pas été enlevé du ciselage. Ne passez pas trop de temps dans une zone ou vous risquez de décolorer la brique dans cette zone.

Mouiller la brique avec un tuyau d’arrosage. S’assurer que le mortier a eu au moins 7 jours pour sécher avant d’essayer d’enlever le mortier séché sur le mortier. En saturant le mur avec de l’eau avant le ciseau, vous faciliterez l’enlèvement du mortier et protégerez vos briques contre les dommages. Saturer complètement la brique avant de commencer à travailler avec un boyau d’arrosage ou avec des seaux d’eau.

Appliquer l’acide à l’aide d’un pinceau résistant aux acides. Achetez une brosse résistante aux acides en ligne pour que les poils ne se désintègrent pas lorsque vous l’appliquez sur la brique. Plongez la brosse dans la solution acide que vous avez créée et appliquez-la en couche sur une petite partie de la brique que vous voulez nettoyer. Appliq! uez l’acide sur une petite surface pour vous assurer qu’il! n’y a pas de réaction indésirable avec la brique dans votre mur.

Rincer l’acide avec plusieurs gallons d’eau. Pendant que vous travaillez, assurez-vous qu’aucun acide ne sèche sur la brique. L’acide séché peut affaiblir la brique et la décolorer. Gardez toujours un boyau d’arrosage ou un seau rempli d’eau à proximité et rincez l’acide après avoir frotté le mortier.

Diluer l’acide muriatique. Remplissez d’abord un seau résistant aux acides avec de l’eau, puis ajoutez l’acide muriatique. Cela évitera les éclaboussures qui pourraient éventuellement vous asperger d’acide.

Laisser sécher les grosses mottes de mortier avant de les enlever. Si vous prenez toutes ces mesures de précaution, mais que de gros blocs de mortier se retrouvent encore sur votre mur, vous devriez les laisser sécher et essayer de les enlever à l’aide d’un ciseau ou d’un acide.

Lisez les instructions au dos de l’acide. Lisez les info! rmations et les avertissements fournis avec le produit que vous avez acheté. Suivre les quantités de dilution et le procédé au dos de l’emballage. Typiquement, vous voudrez créer une solution qui est une partie d’acide muriatique pour neuf parties d’eau.

Frotter le mortier à l’aide d’une brosse. Utilisez une brosse à poils moyens et frottez vigoureusement la surface de la brique. Évitez de frotter les joints de la brique ou vous risquez d’affaiblir le mortier qui maintient la brique en place. Grattez la boue créée à partir du mortier et de l’acide sur votre toile. Continuer à frotter jusqu’à ce que tout le mortier séché soit enlevé.

Porter l’équipement de sécurité approprié. L’acide muriatique est très toxique et caustique, il est donc important que vous suiviez les précautions de sécurité appropriées lors de son utilisation. Porter des gants résistant aux acides, des lunettes de protection, des chaussures fermées, ! des vêtements de protection et un respirateur approuvé par le NIOSH m! uni d’un filtre de qualité acide approprié lorsque vous travaillez avec de l’acide. Vous pouvez trouver cet équipement de sécurité à la quincaillerie ou en ligne. Posez des feuilles de plastique à la base du mur pour servir de toiles de protection contre l’acide.

Installez un échafaudage à 2 pouces (5,08 cm) du mur pour éviter les éclaboussures de mortier. Un échafaudage doit être installé à 2 pouces (5,08 cm) du mur pour éviter les éclaboussures de mortier à la base du mur. Les planches d’échafaudage les plus proches du mur doivent être inclinées vers l’extérieur et légèrement vers le bas par rapport au mur.

Enlever la poussière de mortier restante à l’aide d’une brosse à soies moyennement souples. Le but est d’éliminer la poussière sur la surface de votre brique plutôt que d’essuyer la poussière de mortier plus profondément dans la brique. Évitez d’appuyer sur la brosse et essuyez-la loin de la surface de la! brique. Faites un mouvement de va-et-vient jusqu’à ce que la poussière de mortier sur la face de votre mur soit enlevée.

Laisser reposer l’acide pendant cinq minutes. Laissez l’acide s’infiltrer dans le mortier sur les briques et décomposez-le. Si l’acide agit, il commencera à bouillonner et à pétiller lorsqu’il entrera en contact avec le mortier. Ne laissez pas l’acide sécher complètement sur la brique, sinon il pourrait l’endommager.

Utiliser le bord d’une truelle pour égaliser le mortier avec la face du mur. Utilisez un mouvement de levage et de roulement vers l’avant avec le bord court de votre truelle pour égaliser le mortier avec la face de la brique. Continuez à le faire au fur et à mesure que vous posez de nouvelles briques pour éviter que le mortier ne s’agglomère et ne crée de gros morceaux sur les briques.

Tapoter le ciseau parallèlement à la brique pour enlever l’excès de mortier. Tenez le ciseau à u! n angle de 20° à 30° contre la face de votre mur dans les endroits o! ù il y a du mortier encastré. Tapez légèrement sur l’extrémité du ciseau et commencez à détacher le mortier sec du mur. Commencez par le haut et poursuivez votre chemin vers le bas. Continuer à travailler lentement et prudemment jusqu’à ce que la plus grande partie du mortier soit enlevée du mur.

Mouiller la brique avec de l’eau. Avant d’appliquer l’acide sur le mur, il est important qu’il soit complètement saturé d’eau. L’application de l’acide muriatique directement sur une brique sèche peut endommager votre mur.

Protégez la base de votre mur avec une toile ou une feuille de plastique. Posez de la paille, des toiles de protection ou des bâches en plastique sur la base du mur pour éviter que les égouttures de mortier ne tachent la base de votre mur. Ces vêtements devraient s’étendre de 3 à 4 pieds (91,44 cm) à partir de la base de votre mur.