Jul 4, 2020

At lesbian weddings...?

Nikki Sypult: You can ask "Where is the Groom?" if you are a total smart-*** like me.

Serena Doak: Best man or best lesbian or best woman!? **

Joaquin Dronko: depends on who her friends are i would say

Clay Lipira: It depends on the people getting married. There is no set rules to weddings. "Traditional" weddings in most western countries are based off a christian themed property transaction. Yet there are LOTS of different versions of weddings and marriage rites depending on the culture you look at. If lesbians getting married want to have a best person, they can, and if they don't want any, they don't have to have them. I think following the "traditional" wedding plans is boring, sexist/genderist, and when people get married they are given a great opportunity to express themselves by creating their own type of wedding ceremony....Show more

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