Jul 10, 2020

Cat who just had tooth extracted and has healing abscess.?  

Cat who just had tooth extracted and has healing abscess.?  

answers 0:BUT now has 3rd eyelid covering 1/2 her eye..what home remedy can I give her??? Cant bring to vet, was in car accident, no transportation.There must be something that we can do for her eye...answers 1:Hi! If the tooth was JUST extracted the infection needs days to drain and heal. Just like in a person. If the cat is other wise acting normal (take into consideration she had surgery) then wait it out today and tomorrow you can wipe her eye with a clean cotton ball dipped in saline solution contact wearers use. All drug stores and most food stores carry this. Do not use the same cotton ball more than once and do not contaminate the bottle. I think this is the best thing for her and the easier thing for you at this time. If she starts to get a running discharge of yellow or green pus, she may need antibiotics and they Vet may be kind enoug! h to call a scrip into the drug store for you. I wish you and you cat the best....answers 2:Call the vet who did the dental and ask. The call will be free, as it's a follow up to the dental.

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