Jul 7, 2020

does salmon need thawed before cooking?

Leif Serabia: thawing prior to cooking is recommended so that in the end result salmon does not become dry.usually throwing frozen salmon into frying pan will cause the salmon to become dry when done, all moisture is lostsalmon should be cooked as fast as possible in order to keep moisture. frozen salmon will require longer cooking time so more moisture will be lost....Show more

Cristopher Gavalis: 1

Thurman Buege: No you do not have to. You can just put what ever rub, sauce, or spices that you want on to the fish and then bake or BBQ it in tinfoil. I don't recommend trying to fry it from frozen thought because I have a feeling the outside would be cooked way before the inside. I bake my salmon and other fish for that matter all the time from frozen. It is a easy meal when you forgot to take something out for supper.

Will Camus: I disagree with the other poster. You should thaw it and then pat it dry before putting on any seasoning. Frozen salmon has ice! crystals in it which will melt and make the dish watery.

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