Jul 15, 2020

Question about bad breath. Dentists please?  

Question about bad breath. Dentists please?  

answers 0:1.) People say use mouthwash to help bad breath, but I also heard that mouth wash with alcohol can make it worse because it dries out your mouth. So is mouth wash good or bad?2.) What foods should people avoid eating? I heard bad breath comes from your stomach. I know onions and garlic obviously, but is there anything else?3.) Any brushing tips other than brushing for 2 minutes, tongue, roof of the mouth, flossing?Thanks! :]...Show moreanswers 1:mouthwash with alcohol can worsen your bad breath problem for definitely it can cause dry mouth which can speed up the production of bad bacteria inside the mouth. choose a mouthwash that has natural ingredients like essential oils.try to avoid foods that are garlicky. sometimes bad breath can come from stomach related illness. it can also have a lot o! f causes like poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, sinusitis, medications, bacteria, gum disease and gum infections. to determine the cause of your bad breath, you may need the help of a dental expert or dentist.have a good oral hygiene habits after meal, be sure to floss, brush, and scrape your tongue carefully and properly. keep your mouth hydrated by drinking lots of water. for more tips to get rid of bad breath visit http://www.oramd.com...answers 2:A dry mouth is more prone to bad breath than a moist mouth. As such, drinking plenty of water can be important in treating unpleasant mouth odors. Chewing sugarless gum is helpful as well, as it stimulates saliva production, keeping the mouth moist. Sugary gums should not be used for this purpose; the sugar can lead to tooth decay, adding to bad breath issues.Onions, garlic, and deli meats are well known for causing bad breath. Avoid them whenever you want fresh smelling breath. Some types of cheese also cause halitosis.In some ca! ses, bad breath is caused by health conditions and treating it! requires addressing the specific medical conditions causing it. Bowel obstruction and pharyngitis can lead to bad breath as well....answers 3:according to the hygienists, there is new evidence to support rotary toothbrushes or "spin brushes" over a regular toothbrush. Before it was taken off the market, I liked Listerine Agent Cool Blue a plaque disclosing agent for kids (and adults). Flossing EVERY DAY.There are mouthwashes that do not contain alcohol such as Breath Rx and Crest Prohealth. Personally i want flouride on the teeth and feel that using a mouthwash may wash away the flouride from brushing.There are a number of possible causes of halitosis. Below we have listed some possible causes of a bad breath condition and have separated them into medical and dental causes.MedicalSinus infections

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