Jul 6, 2020

What kind of relationship lasts longer?

Minh Lefrancois: Im trying to prove to my friend that longer lasting relationships dont depend on orientation.

Ira Porietis: I can only speak of my relationship with Gwenneth which lasted for 42 years. Even after her death I think it holds me still.Rose P.

Lashawn Zabarkes: is this a trick question?i didn't realize a specific catagory of people had longer lasting relationships.yeah.. ima say it's the people in the relationship.....Show more

Hyo Hardell: Anyone of the 3 can have relationships that last longer. People just have to find their soulmate.

Reginald Maxi: There's never a guarantee regardless of which orientation...

William Vickerman: It depends on the 2 people in the relationship. The sexual orientation does NOT make a difference. My best friend's uncle has been in a gay relationship for 23 years, while many straight couples I know didn't make it that long.

Indira Wassell: Drama isn't good, because it can get out of control ove! r time. I suppose that if you're interested in that kind of excitement, it may make things interesting in the early period of a relationship, but it's not lasting, and it's definitely not healthy. Drama builds on itself like ocean waves. It just gets bigger and bigger and more intense over time until it finally crashes and the relationship blows up. The relationships that I've seen that actually last aren't love-hate, and they aren't even the opposites-attract theory. They are the comfortable ones that make you feel warm and fuzzy when you see the one you love and hear her voice. Something that makes you feel that you know you're safe with the other person, emotionally, romantically, and even physically (and by that, I don't mean sex). When you're going along in harmony like that you really have no need to be kept on your toes. It's something that you do naturally without thinking about or noticing. You only notice that type of thing when, as an example, you've just had a r! eally rough day at work, come home frustrated, and aren't as n! ice as you usually are. Not yelling, screaming and throwing things, just not as nice. You'll pick up on it quickly enough, wind yourself down, because you love the other person too much to bother about how bad your day might have been. Not to say that you should ignore yourself, just that the relationship is close enough that you care more about the other person than yourself. Psychologists are idiots who tell you that if you focus on making yourself happy, then everything else will be happy. That's bull. Making other people happy will make you happy - not even just people you love, just other people. Doesn't it feel good to be nice? Skip the drama, grab the love and peace instead. It's worked well for me....Show more

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