Jul 13, 2020

Should I be worried about possibly having picked up an STI?  

Should I be worried about possibly having picked up an STI?  

answers 0:Normally I maintain a strict policy of having potential bed-mates get screened for STIs, but you know, heat of the moment and all that.So I hooked up with this guy (I'm female by the way and free of STIs myself) on Thursday. He had no visible sores on his lips and he said he was healthy. We used condoms when we had intercourse, but he performed oral on me for quite a while with no dental dam or anything. The next day I had a date with another guy (we didn't have sex but I gave him a handjob which required a lot of acrobatics on my part because he has very sensitive nipples AND he's into feet, and he also watched me do my thing afterwards)Normally I'm stiff the next day after a really good orgasm, and some of the unusual positions I had to be in to facilitate a hand job with my f! eet around his face and my free hand on his nips have probably rendered me sore. I woke up this morning with the beginnings of what feels like a sore throat, up in the very back of my nose. And now I'm freaking out that the soreness is maybe a combination of "flu-like symptoms" and the shenanigans from friday and the sore throat is maybe part of the flu-like symptoms too. i don't have a fever, and i don't feel physically weak, just the soreness and the beginnings of a sore throat, and my vulva is feeling a little weird and a little sore, but i think maybe thats from thursday's sex. i haven't had sex in over a year so i confess i have forgotten what the after-effects feel likeshould i be concerned about having picked something up?...Show moreanswers 1:No, not really. Any STD that involves "flu-like symptoms" would take more time for them to show up. Since you used protection for actual intercourse, you vastly reduced your risk of getting an STD.

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