Jul 14, 2020

Is being a vegetarian good for you?

Lizzette Wendroth: You just need to eat the right types of meat. If you're overweight, it's most likely because you are eating bad types of fat. Eating meat doesn't get you fat, look at prehistoric humans. They were STRONG and fit because they ate meat and worked hard physically to survive.

Tom Romer: First thing you need to do is go to the library and get a book about being a vegetarian. There are many types and you will have to decide which one you want to be.You need to find out all you can about the lifestyle. What kind of food to eat ,etc:It can be very healthy or not--depending on how you do it. There are some overweight vegetarians too. It all depends on what you eat. You have to make sure you get your vitamins, protein, calcium and nutrients.Good Luck and give it lots of study. It's not a magic bullet. It takes work like anything else....Show more

Erin Arron: Being vegetarian can be very healthy if done properly. It is important to know how to get all! the vitamins/nutrients that your body needs whenever you change your diet. Based on the fact that you think vegetarians might need calcium pills, I would say you still have a lot of research to do. Most people get their calcium from dairy products, which most vegetarians eat, and calcium is also readily available in many vegetables and fortified foods. As for what davie said about vegetarianism and pregnancy, he is simply incorrect. According to the American Dietetic Association (much more reliable than some random person on Y!A), vegetarianism is appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy and lactation (see my first source). If you decide to research that, I'm sure you'll find that all legitimate health organizations have the same position. For a good place to start researching vegetarian nutrition, see my second source. I hope that helps!...Show more

Kris Otuafi: You seriously need to do some research and I will give you some sources. ! One thing you need to avoid is becoming a junk food vegetaria! n.Let go of a lot of the high fat dairy also. When I first became a vegetarian I just substituted cheese in place of meat and that wasn't good either. Also a lot of bad food like chips etc are vegetarian. So you do need to teach yourself a bit about nutrition. First off calcium does not come from meat it comes from dairy and you can get it from dark green leafy veggies. As in any diet you should eat a lot of fruits and veggies alongside that you should eat beans and grains. There are a lot of fake meats out there that are good while you transition and they are fairly low fat so may want to use them as you learn what works for you and what doesn't. First off get this starter kit:http://www.pcrm.org/health/veginfo/vsk...Show more

Babette Deloe: If you learn to eat a balanced vegetarian diet you don't need any pills. This website, run by the Mayo Clinic, has a copy of the vegetarian food pyramid on it. Use it when planing your meals. Vegetarian diet: How to ge! t the best nutritionhttp://www.mayoclinic.com/health/vegetarian-diet/H...Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for HealthPhysicians Committee for Responsible Medicinehttp://www.pcrm.org/health/veginfo/vegetarian_food......Show more

Wilfred Santacruce: no because if your not eating meat you can have a low iron lvl and if you pregnant you will have to start eating meat or it can harm the baby

Tijuana Tatsak: It is probably not bad for you and you can eat vegetables.

Ermelinda Stalnaker: Any nutritionist who graduated from college in the past 20 years will tell you that the healthiest diet you can eat is a whole-foods, low-fat, vegetarian diet.So yes, it is healthy. Calcium is found in leafy, green vegetables.I would suggest googling a vegetarian food pyramid. That would be a very good start for you to plan a balanced vegetarian diet. There are also some excellent vegetarian websites to help you get started.Also, I would suggest purchasing some books on vegetarianism! and some vegetarian cookbooks.I personally would suggest buying "Eat M! ore, Weigh Less" - Dr. Dean Ornish.Dr. Ornish is a cardiology researcher who discovered that heart patients who ate a low-fat vegetarian diet were able to CURE their heart disease. They also lost weight. This book is a result of his research. In it, you'll find everything you need to know about a low-fat, whole-foods, vegetarian diet AND he writes about a good exercise program. This book has invaluable information to get you started on a vegetarian diet....Show more

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