Jul 30, 2020

Do women make recreation and leisure possilbe for men and how?

Jene Licausi: well , to answer your Question i think that all women should be allowed to have man parts on their body :), we live AMERICA so go to ur local surgeon on a get a brand new penis :)

Rosalyn Olivera: Not quite sure what you are getting at here!Maybe you mean something along the lines of - by doing all the chores for a grown man that he should be capable of doing for himself, like washing, ironing, cleaning etc, some women free up their men's time so that they can socialise more? Or do you mean, the fact that many women work in the catering line or are secretaries for men (grrr!) or whatever, they do more than their fair share of work whilst the men skive off to enjoy themselves?Or do you mean, for example, a woman working behind a bar in a golf club 'enables' the men to enjoy themselves?Maybe if you were a little more specific.............Show more

Clement Viscarro: Personally I've found that most guys are pretty swallow and do go for the perfect s! ized woman. In my case my weight continues to be a constant struggle for me. I fall into the normal/health category for my height yet by culture standards I'm overweight. It's frustrating and I don't think guys appreciate that most woman can't possibly fall into the rail thin category. My bf tells me constantly that I'm beautiful and no where near overweight...but he's my bf so i think he's impartial. So yes I to am interested in male responses as well....Show more

Ruthe Real: i think women make alot of things more enjoyable when they perticipate with there husband,camping ,fishing horse back riding .....sex.but it is not there responsiblity to make these things enjoyable ok maybe it is on the last one .

Elden Bardach: Some do and some don't. For me, I make sure my man is able to go out with his buddies or go golfing, or whatever he feels like. I think it is important for both people in a relationship to be able to do this. Men and Women both need time away from! each other to be able to have fun and do what interests them.!

Tyler Burkman: Are you serious? Have you ever heard of a "Honey Dew List"? Do you know why a bride smiles at her wedding? It's the last time she will ever have to perform ,,,,,never mind that one.The words "weekend project" were made up by a women. The words "Honey can you help me with" and "Honey can you" were developed by the womens think tank. A secret group that meets in basements and thinks of ways to enslave men. Women only let us think were in charge! I leave you with those famous words that Eve said to Adam after she forced the apple down his throat. As soon as your done with that we can take a nap, (wink wink)....Show more

Virgilio Echter: I don't understand your question? Why is it a woman's responsibility to make recreation possible? Can the men not find their own activities?

Sammy Kar: eh, it depends on the women ? Like camping and such? You really don't wanna take a women who is afraid of spiders and worms camping.. Or a women who HAS to do ! her make-up and such... This question is sso obviousAdded**** Oh you wanna know if going with buddies is ok? It depends also on if you are trustworthy...Although in that case she should just dump up......But yes men should have time away........................Maybe pay more attn... to her and her needs before and after the trip....................Show more

Hipolito Rightmire: Speaking personally, I make leisure and recreation time for my husband, even if I don't participate. For example, we have horses and do a lot of trail riding. However, I cannot always go, but I don not try to stop my husband from going. I encourage him to go. He works hard and deserves to have some fun.If there's a basketball game on and he wants to watch it, I tell him to go ahead or encourage him to hang out with his friends and watch it.I know there are many women out there who are insecure with themselves and with their relationships who make it difficult for their men to ever have fun ! or just relax. If these men choose to stay with these women, then they! are implying that it's okay for the women to act that way....Show more

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