Mar 14, 2020

are employment agencies helpful in finding a job?

Hai Biggart: Employment agencies are really helpful. I am just like you looking for a real job. Got my Associates degree too. It depends on your resume and the skills you have. They will ask you what kind of work are you looking for. You also have to bring in references if you have never used an agency before. Some agencies require references. They will test you to see what your typing speed is, your knowledge of Word and Excel. After you are finished with all the tests, you will talk to one of the recruiters to determine if they can have an assignment that matches your skill level and the kind of work you have been doing. Some agencies require you to call in once a week for your availabilty. After you finish registering with one, find others that have what you are looking for in terms of employment. One agency wouldn't be able to survive these days. In order to keep working, register for about 5-7 at least. That way if one agency don't have an assignment, another one! will. If all the agencies you registered with don't have work, continue looking. Something is bound to come up. Good Luck....Show more

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