Mar 24, 2020

real estate agents?

Vince Delarge: I agree with the above suggestions, here are a few more:Wear your name tag alot. If someone mistakes you for a store employee, laugh it off and whip out your card. Hand it to them with a smile and ask them who they know that is interested in buying or selling a home. It is an open ended question, one that requires something besides a yes or no answer. If you don't like that question, think of your own script. But it is just that, a script, have it ready because someone will catch you out of Realtor mode and it is good to have something "go to" prepared.If there are craft fairs, Humane Society fund raisers, food drives for the local food pantry - what have you - find a way to get involved to get your name out there. Anywhere people congregate and you can get involved for little or no cost to you.Don't try one thing, try lots of things and see what makes your phone ring....Show more

Jonie Lauria: I have a few ideas for you:-You could ask other age! nts in your office for their permission to advertise their listings for sale...such as magazines, newspapers, your website, etc. You'll get great Buyer phone calls and before you know if, you're off and running! The ads will also get your face and contact info out in circulation. -You could also send e-flyers (emails) to other Realtors in neighboring states letting them know you are THE real estate expert in (your city) Texas, so if they know of anyone moving to your area, to please call you. -Another idea to get business...ask other agents in your office if you can sit at their open houses and take the buyer leads that come in. -A great website to purchase leads is -...and always let friends and family know that you are now a real estate agent and to pass along your info to anyone looking for a new home/selling their current home. Hope this helps! :)...Show more

Queenie Ruthers: The above ideas are good. Here is what I did (and still do). Business c! ards are cheap. Get a nice one made. hand them out to your wai! ter, delivery guy, etc. whenever you can. Ask if you can leave a few at the cash register, especially at motels or extended stay facilities. When you are wearing your name tag, once in a while wear it upside down.It will always generate a response and give you an opportunity to talk. Don't be bashful but you don't have to be tacky or loud either....Show more

Bethanie Menden: You need to consult with real estate agent for proper information.

Carli Watterson: All of these suggestions are good, but, you are starting out, right? Here is what I did. I wanted a 'crash course' in RE, and I wanted to be on the fast track. I interviewed the biggest agencies in my area (Austin) and picked one that had formal training every two weeks, and the agency (not the agents) ran multiple ads in the homes magazines every week. They also had a title company and mortgage company in the same building. They also had this great mentor system. I trained with the guy that was always ! in the top 10 citywide, every year. I trained, I worked the phone room, I did the scripts till I could recite naturally. I watched how they did the marketing, advertising, and lead flow. In 8 months, I wrote 12 contracts. I learned about momentum and working alone, as well as working with a team. When I got what I wanted, I left and opened my own company.I created a system simular to the one I learned from, just improved it. I recently sold that company and moved to another state. I have been in the business 5 years this year.Maybe that is too much for you.Look everyone that you meet in the eye, smile, and say, "Do you need to buy a house?" Many will say yes. Those that say no-ask them if they know someone. Everyone knows someone that is going to buy or sell. Just ask.Make your datebase of everyone you know. EVERYONE. Your doctor, dentist, pastor, kids teachers, soccer coach, the clerk at the store, people you used to work with, the bartender, etc. Everyone yo! u know personally. Get their email, or mailing address. Send them a l! etter and tell them that you have changed careers and can help them with anything in real estate-buy, sell-invest. Remind them that you expect them to call YOU! Not Uncle Joe.Every time you see these people, you remind them of your business, and always speak positive. Always remind them that if they don't call you first, they will be on your short list (or what ever you call it). I learned this the hard way. I expected my friends to remember that I am in the business. Very self centered. They have lives too, and they are busy. It is my job to market myself. It started working, and I was able to help a lot of my own friends.Texas is a great real estate market.You may want to check with Exit Realty. I am impressed with their training system, enough to consider opening a franchise office.Good luck....Show more

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