Mar 13, 2020

Most influential careers?

Kaley Lappas: World Leader comes to mind, but it's tough to get there, especially if it's not in a democratic country--even in the U.S., where politicians can be bought so easily. Philanthropist is another, like celebrities or others (like microsoft guru, Bill Gates), who donate millions. Then there are just people who are famous (like ex. president Jimmy Carter), who helps with affordable housing, and overseas, with clean drinking water. Doctors Without Borders, who go and work for free in war zones or other stricken places. Writers or philosophers can change things drastically, just by putting their thoughts down. Inventors can change the world for the better (like Edward Jenner and the smallpox vaccine), or for the worse, like Oppenheimer and others who developed atomic weapons.Activists like Abbie Hoffman and others who fought against the Vietnam War had a huge impact on our culture, opening up ways of thought previously unacceptable.Civil Rights leaders, such as MKL ! and Malcolm X, paved the way for the end of segregation and helped get Blacks...well, not ALL the rights they should have, but it's a start.Same thing with Feminists like Gloria Steinem, and especially women who championed legalizing birth control, like Margaret Sanger--and that was in the early 20th Century. How about President Clinton, eliminating US debt and creating the largest surplus ($230 billion!) in US history? then Bush changed all that in 8 yrs. by gutting it, creating the largest DEBT.(1)And there are the little people, those who work everyday to make things better, like workers who unionize, the PIRG college girl who stopped at our house the other day about recycling, those who volunteer in all kinds of organizations and last but not least: PARENTS and TEACHERS....Show more

Madge Voice: Be an amusement park mascot or clown. Scare shy little kids and scar them for life. They will never forget you; a career guaranteed to leave a lasting legacy. Runner up: ! profound prostitute philosopher....Show more

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