Mar 22, 2020

Investing / Personal Finance: How realistic is my plan?

Antonia Mogg: I wouldn't open a Roth IRA while you are still in college. Just use a regular trading account until you are working full time. You may want to use the money for something else.The plan can work, but the only thing I see wrong with it is your plan to retire at 40 and switch to a job for fun. You should aim at your first career being your job for fun. You'll be amazed how much better a life is when a fun job is being worked the whole time. What if you die at 40? You'll have never worked your job that you think is most fun.I'd major in either finance, business economics, accounting, or economics. Business administration and management are sort of worthless in the real world of money.Also, if your investment account is in an IRA or Roth IRA, you will be penalized if you take the money out before you are 65.But, even though your details are foggy, your overall plan is very realistic. The whole idea of beating the market is actually quite fascinating. You! might want to read "A Random Walk Down Wall Street".Read it 3 times slowly. College seniors in finance read it most of the time, so you'd be a bit ahead in understanding the concepts in school.You'll find that the best way to beat the market average of 10% is with "leverage."...Show more

Garrett Detone: funny stuff....

Alane Antes: Your plan is well founded. Extremely well thought out. Keep us posted on your success.

Stephnie Patout: Sounds great. I wouldn't worry about not being able to beat the market. Practically anyone who spends the time to research it can do it. You plan sounds good though. I heard a study somewhere that some scientist asked a group of college graduates what their future plains were. Only 5% had plans for the future. After many year those 5% had a higher net worth then the other 95% combined.Your on the right track Good luck...Show more

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