May 18, 2020

home schooling??????????????

Derrick Kloke: i was homeschooled for two years. you learn the same things you would learn in regular school, just at a different pace and with no other students. i personally did not enjoy homeschooling because i missed out on a lot of 'regular school' activites and social experiences.

Timmy Bustard: I home schooled, and the answer to your question can be yes and/or no, it all depends on the person planning to home school.Home schooling takes dedication and patience; and can not be "put off." It is not like regular school because it requires self teaching techniques and there is no teacher (although there may be a mentor or parent.)Home schooling can be great, but it all depends on the student intending to take part in it. It is not for everyone and requires special skills to be able to complete the coursework....Show more

Jonathon Labonne: Okay, I'll take this in two parts:1) Is it hard? That kind of depends on what you mean by hard. I think it can take a bi! t of extra effort on the parts of the parents and students to make sure they get certain opportunities they might have been able to have more readily in school. For example, say your child wants to join a band. At school it might have been as easy as signing up for band, but as a homeschooler that option might not exist. Maybe your district doesn't allow homeschoolers to participate in things like school band and school sports. Maybe they do allow it, but only as long as the homeschooler isn't taking a spot away from a student actually in school, and it turns out the band is full every year. In cases like that you have a tough choice: either don't participate in band, or make one yourself. But at the same time, look at all the things you can learn by making a band yourself -- you learn all the typical band things like playing an instrument and working as part of a team, but you might also learn about organizing people, networking to find a practice location and scheduling p! ractices, maybe finding a teacher/leader/director if you can't! do it yourself, etc. Depending on who joins your band, you might also have the interesting experience of making odd combinations of instruments sound good (ever tried to make 2 hammered dulcimers, a didgeridoo, four fiddles, assorted guitars, a piano, a flute, and a saxophone work well together? You would have if you had joined my homeschooling band a few years ago...). But overall, I wouldn't say homeschooling is hard. But it is something you need to work at if you want to get it right.2) Is it just like regular school? No, though some people do their best to re-create a school environment in their homes, even to the point of converting a room to a classroom and setting a school-like schedule for their kids. But even so, you can't completely re-create school in your home. Though the requirements for homeschoolers vary from state to state, pretty much every state has some set of expectations for what kids will learn in each grade, and in the states that require homeschooli! ng parents to submit forms you better either be on track or have a really good reason not to be. So homeschooling kids are supposed to learn the same basic subjects as kids in school, but at the same time you have a lot more freedom to go at your own pace (even in states that want students to meet certain requirements by the end of the year), set your own schedule, and make the student's interests the center of the curriculum rather than relegating those interests to after-school free time....Show more

Cliff Tyre: I was home schooled as a kid and I now home school my own children. The answer is no and no. Homeschooling is pretty easy so long as parent and child can work together, classes are shorter and easier and can be done any way you want with as many field trips as you want. Just make sure the social life is not lost. Join a sports team, learn a martial art, join scouts, or even join a home school group. What ever works for your family to ensure that the home sc! hooled does not become home isolated. Also, many companies give discoun! ts or run specials for homeschoolers. Some states even give financial assistance to homeschoolers. Just call around. ...Show more

Rhett Kaines: From talking to parents who do it, it's probably easier for both teachers and students. For one thing, regular classes waste a lot amount of time, trying to get 35 kids coordinated, all sitting down and paying attention, all on the same page, all doing the same stuff, etc. In addition, a bright student doesn't have to be bored, waiting for 34 other kids to catch on. Plus, the teacher can design the curriculum for the individual student. The home-schooled kids I know are smarter, better behaved, and more social with adults. But they don't seem to be uncomfortable around kids either -- which is what most people fear....Show more

Lorine Helwick: its not hard but you will be away form your franids and its so boaring try boarding school its awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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