May 23, 2020

Is modeling the best job anyone can ever have?  

Is modeling the best job anyone can ever have?  

answers 0:Here are the amazing perks of modeling:-Potential fame-Modeling in high-ticket designer outfits-Beautiful photoshootsAnd perhaps the greatest perk of all in my opinion is all-expenses paid international traveling. I mean, what other job features all-expenses paid trips around the world that would cost people in normal situations thousands of dollars to do?I tell you, modeling has to be one of THE most, if not the most luxurious job ever. It is a real-life Cinderella story....Show moreanswers 1:dayum.answers 2:Very few models ever make a lot of money, travel internationally, get to wear expensive designer clothing, etcThere are maybe 200 models in the world that this applies to, and tens of thousands who might book 2 jobs in a year, never work more than 20 miles from where they live, and the most exciting job they had was an for! a local pizzeria or dental office The average model goes to 100 casting calls for every 1 job s/he is booked on. That's hundreds of unpaid hours, paying for transportation, parking, taking time off their normal job, etc all trying to book one paid job. That is not the best job someone can haveThe average working model in the US, meaning one who lists Model as their primary occupation on tax forms is $15,000/year. That's less than what you make working at Starbucks. Even in top agencies, there is no guarantee of any paid work. My friends's daughter is with Ford Models in NYC, she's tall and gorgeous, and in the past year she's only had 2 paid jobs and about 4 unpaid jobs. And that's with one of the top agencies in the world...answers 3:These are a few of my favorite motivational quotes!"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." ~ Stephen R. Covey"Motivation is the art of getting people to ! do what you want them to do because they want to do it."~ Dwig! ht D. Eisenhower"The best way to predict your future is to create it."~ Unknown"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."~ Earl Nightingale"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."~ Zig Ziglar...answers 4:Yeah, I had to quit because my giant nads kept falling out of my briefs on shoots, they couldn't use any of the pictures because they all ended up being indecent.answers 5:Maybe-only if you're the cream of the crop and get paid the big-mega bucks. But it's short lived-so better save every penny and have a back up job when the first sign of getting older appears. Bottom line-by 25 have another career.answers 6:...this means we should start an Anarchy, right? Destroy all televisions, computers, cell phones, tablets, radios--everything that's a part! of this horrible brain washing scam! But, wait, wouldn't this make our species even more vulnerable to the physical attack of another, slightly more advanced alien species that lives in our universe? Can't they pick us off little by little but we'd have no way of knowing because our species has lost it's ability to communicate with one another, through vast oceans?Doesn't that mean that there's no way to win so it's best not to pay any mind to anything and just try to live life to it's fullest?...answers 7:psychologist is going to grad college. there are various categories, in spite of the undeniable fact that it unquestionably breaks all the way down to those that're license eligible (can information people) and people who're no longer. A psychologist has a PhD. A psychiatrist is going to med college and spends maximum individuals of their time in maximum circumstances prescribing and monitoring medicine use. they have an MD. i'm a new child wellbeing psychologist who has! been in private prepare, a examine ecosystem interior the protection t! ension, and now tutor on the college point. be chuffed to pm me with any questions....answers 8:No, a ******** is the best job anyone can ever have.answers 9:Psychologist. Wouldn't go near a psychiatrist, secular or otherwise.answers 10:no. being a CEO of a fortune 500 company is or being a Dictator in a country where the Dictator can turn ***** into taters.answers 11:Modelling isn't fun. Gisele Bundchen had to stand in four inch heels for 14 hours a day and smoked for 10 years to reduce her body weight.answers 12:you are completely right. i'm sorry. i misread an article lol.answers 13:Great cooking is not for the faint of heart. You must be imaginative and strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work and you must not let anyone defy your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. Anyone can cook...but, only the fearless can be great.answers 14:I heard that it was about 13.5 billion years old.

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