May 12, 2020

PDA - input or output device?

Melissa Lavallie: hand-held gadgets are pocket sized computing gadgets.issues like Smartphones,PDAs,Laptops,cellular telephones,extremely-cellular desktops,own Communicators ..and so on the difficulty-loose function of the hand-held gadgets is ,the demonstrate section and the enter section(keyboard) is extremely and back (PDAs) the demonstrate section is used for enter as nicely interior this variety of touch displays

Delmy Varano: It depends on why you have one and how you're using it.For example, some companies use handhelds (PDAs) for stock-taking... they will examine the storeroom, perhaps scan bar codes, and make a note of the quantity on hand. They then upload this information to a PC or server.In that case, the PDA is an input device.If you use PDAs in your organisation to ensure everyone has current access to documentation, standards, customer lists, order information, and so on -- all provided by a server -- then the PDA is acting as a viewer or "! output device" for your database information.If you use the PDA as a "true PDA" to keep your schedule, contacts, taks lists, and so on, and you use your PC only pretty much as a backup device, then the PDA is not an "input" or "output" for any other machine, it provides its own purpose....Show more

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