May 17, 2020

Jehovah’s Witnesses: I have three questions about your recent statements on higher education?

Barrett Zheng: If you look at the article it will say where these statistics come from and if you want my help please tell me what article it came from?

Elmo Tervo: 1. It's harder for young people who have a degree and who are inexperienced to get work compared to those with a degree and are experienced. But seeing that I don't live in the U.S. I can safely say that where I am living, for every well paying job you want to get, you need a degree for it. Nurses are required to have an Associate Degree for the very least to even be considered for employment. Since my government is basically messed up, just because you have a degree doesn't necessarily mean you will get the job. Engineers here, you need to be have a Masters to even be considered to be employed. 2. Again I'm speaking for where I live. Bachelors degree mean you will get more money compared to a person who has CSEC or CAPE passes which is equivalent to O Levels and A Levels in the British system. According! to your field of specialization, a person with a Bachelors can be paid more than a person with a PhD. It just depends on what you actually use your degree to do. 3. Attending university. I'll be honest. I used to laugh at that, because I'm like in the States you have a bunch of carefree kids who don't really care about anything. Drinking and indulging in sex is something you find all over. If you keep firm, you can avoid it. P.S. I've never seen those quotes. o_O Can you send the links, please? And I've always wondered; Is there a difference between college and university? Or is it the same thing?...Show more

Faustino Mellerson: I have no problem with JW's not getting a higher education........Would you want to work for one of them?

Denna Prudente: ...why do you even ask JW's any questions...? (they) are so blinded by their pseudo-faith (CULT) that "they" wouldn't recognize the *Truth if it hit them in the face !

Elden Dedon: I work for the Department ! of Commerce - Bureau of Statistics (USA) and I can assure you ! that there are plenty of individuals in this country who are university and college educated who are NOT working in their field or using their degree.That does not mean that they are not making a living, but they are not living up to the so-called "potential" that their degree was supposed to guarantee.When you have one out of every 10 people out of work and one out of 5 who is working fewer hours than they wish, it is only reasonable that some who are working have more education than their job requires.It is also a known fact that some university jobs do NOT pay as well as other jobs that are considered more menial. What many times determines the pay is the ability to handle the stress or the odd working schedule or the "endurance" of the job. Therefore you have entertainers and airline pilots making more than doctors and professors.Jehovah's Witnesses value ALL jobs - those which require the extra education, or even the most basic. It is a person's personal choice as to w! hich job they will work toward. BUT - we know that personal and lasting happiness does not result from a well paying job, but has to come from a personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, Jehovah.So we CANNOT and DO NOT substitute good wages or fame or our interest in our work for that relationship.If we can combine the two - fine. But the relationship comes first and foremost in our lives.Our take on jobs is to find honorable work - whether that be a doctor or a dog groomer, and use our time wisely outside of our job to worship God and help others do the same.We have no obsession with physical intimacies. The WORLD DOES. That is why ONE HALF of all Internet usage involves PORNOGRAPHY. For that statistic, feel free to google. It is a shame, but it is the truth....Show more

Iris Shawcroft: All you need is all-knowledge

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