May 1, 2020

Why don't we make medical insurance free and compulsory for all?  

Why don't we make medical insurance free and compulsory for all?  

answers 0:Why don't we make medical insurance free and compulsory for all?answers 1:That only works in countries with extremely high income tax, like 55% or more.answers 2:Iran would kill every American terrorist occupying Iraq.answers 3:Because Cheney would have been glad to do it for them.answers 4:There......... IS NOTHING FREE.answers 5:We'll get there eventually.answers 6:"They are visiting us for their genetic testing. I don't think it's such a blessing, but then again how can I know? I must not judge so much you know."answers 7:who pays?answers 8:because cons would rather watch people suffer and die.answers 9:Lots of people hate the idea of compulsion, and they hate the idea of having their tax dollars go to pay for somebody else's medical bills. They believe the USA should be every free man to look after themselves and that profit should! be made from other peopls's illness.answers 10:Bush did not want them to. Don't ask me why? I could never understand why Bush did anything including running for a President twice.answers 11:Because it's too expensive for the government to shoulder all the fees.answers 12:What a mess, mess, mess that would be! Think about it!answers 13:Because doctors , med techs , hospitals and drug manufacturers won't work for free .answers 14:Not needed here. We're in 37th pl health care wise. Add that to our 3 current wars, we're dropping like flies.

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