May 21, 2020

How much do you pay for preschool?

Mitsuko Manne: When my youngest was 3 and 4 he went to the local YMCA preschool three days a week for 3 hours and it was 68$ a week.

Lulu Bukowiecki: This Site Might Help You.RE:How much do you pay for preschool?How much do you pay monthly for preschool, and for how many hours and days does it include? Also, how old is your child? Is the preschool a franchise, private, or in-home?THANKS!...Show more

Joel Feagler: My 1 year old daughter is watched by a S@HM friend of mine. She has 2 kids of her own...the 6 year old boy is in full time school this year and the 3 year old girl is in preschool 3 days a week. Ari goes there Monday-Thursday. Monday is from 8:00 a.m. (the rest of the days are from 9:00 a.m.) to whenever my husband gets off of work (or me, whichever is first), which is anywhere in between 2:00-6:00 p.m. We pay her $160/week, or $40/day. I think it's reasonable because my girl gets almost entirely 1 on 1 care and is also not exposed to all of the illne! sses that she would be at a daycare. Her babysitter really loves her too. I'm so glad I can take her to someone that not only do I trust completely, but I also know she's emotionally attached to my girl....Show more

Buster Buchko: Hi, I am in KY and currently work in a daycare/preschool. Our rates start at 140.00 per week for infants, 130 for toddlers, 120 for 3 year olds not potty trained, 115 a week for preschool and 100 weekly for school age when school is out. we offer a very good curriculum and a wide variety of learning oppurtunities.We are not part of a franchise but are locally owned and operated. We accept state child care assistance and are one of the highest charging centers in our area. Very few here have a nursery or offer a preschool with a curriculum. I would call you local child care counsel and ask them these questions about local providers....Show more

Reginald Maxi: For the best answers, search on this site! for my 3 yr old for nursery/preschool we pay £2600 a term wh! ich is about £217 a week for 4 mornings, after christmas he will move to 5 mornings at the same price and then after easter in the summer term he will go for 3 full days from 9am-3pm and that will cost £3900 for the term or about £325 a week. His nursery follows the school system holidays so has half term and summer holidays ect. Next school year my 3 yr old will start school full time....Show more

Brian Freedland: How much do you pay monthly for just a preschool (not daycare!), and for how many hours and days does it include? Also, how old is your child? Is the preschool a franchise, private, or in-home?THANKS!

Jayson Brod: I pay $0 for no hours and I have no child. The joy of being a freshman...alll right!

Morris Cuomo: When I sent my son to preschool he went 2 days a week for 2.5 hours. We paid about $50/ month which is about $2.50/hr. We live in a rural area by the way. :-) It depends on where you live. This preschool was a private Lutheren pre! school.Presently I have an in-home preschool and the preschool portion is 5 days a week for 4 hours. I charge $55/week which evens out to about $2.75/hr. I'll let you do the math for monthly :-)Hope that helps....Show more

Ewa Homrich: It varies a great deal depending on where you are, but when my dd was 4 and in preschool we payed $115 a month at our community parent co-operative preschool. She went MWF from 9:00 a.m. to noon. That included a parent duty day about every 15 days (the enrollment was limited to 15). We also paid a $50 field trip fee and $25 music program fee for the year as well as a $100 cleaning bee deposit (a post dated cheque that they tore up if you showed up for your cleaning day, cashed if you didn't) and a $20 registration fee....Show more

Guy Bonamico: I don't pay, I stay at home now, but worked in many. The price is going to vary greatly across the U.S., but here in north Texas, infants are right at $200 per week, price goes down to a! bout $130 per week for a 4-5 year old. Those are private preschools an! d franchises. In home really depends on if they are licensed, or registered. But generally about 80-100 per week. Before you make any decision on childcare, you really need to take a look at this. It is a way to search through EVERY childcare facility and in home care(if they are legal-which you want them to be, and you want them to be reporting thier income-so you can report what you pay and have that deducted from your income). This is for Texas, but I think most states have a similiar one. It allows you to see what kind of violations the place has had, everything from the place not keeping good records, to losing a child, or not having the kid's wash hands after pottying. Look into it....Show more

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