Apr 19, 2020

Can a Car pass inspection as a School Bus Transportation?

Terrell Voltz: No it wont pass inspection if he plans to carry children..Try this site, hope it helps..https://www.nysdot.gov/portal/page/portal/division...

Maurice Breuning: There are Fedral Department of Transportation (DOT) standards for school buses. A regular passenger car will not meet those standards. Many of those standards have to be built into the vehicles and cannot be easily retrofitted with after market gear.I have reason to suspect that driver, as he is apparently unaware that if your nephew is requred to be in a car seat, then it would be illegal (and unsafe) to buckle him up in a regular seat belt.I'm not in favor of getting someone into trouble just to be mean, but, I'd be more concerned about your nephew's safety, and the safety of other children. You need to contact the school about this driver. Perhaps the "problem" can be fixed by them talking to and instructing him. Or, maybe this person is unqualified to be a school bus driver and should ! be repaced with someone who is less of a danger to their students.In any case, I wouldn't wait to call the school....Show more

Vern Serratos: It's no less safe than any other form of school transportation.Look at normal buses, they don't even have seat belts, and yet I'm quite sure you've ridden in one of those.More than likely, it'll pass no problem, granted that he puts a lot of insurance on it, since that's what a lot of public transportation companies require.And it'll be perfectly safe....Show more

Boyce Gilhooly: In Calif. this is ILLEGAL! School buses are constructed in such a manner to avoid intrusion into the passenger compartment in the event of a crash. A passenger car doesn't sit as high as a bus, so passengers are much more likely to be injured or KILLED in a crash. In NY, perhaps they aren't as concerned about passenger safety?Even a private school in Calif. is REQUIRED by law to use smaller school buses to transport its students. YES, school t! ransportation is expensive! But, so is the cost of a life!...! Show more

Virgilio Echter: If he had just turned on the lights, then they would have been yellow and you should still be allowed to pass, especially if you were just turning into your driveway. If he had just turned on his lights while you were mid turn and they immediately went to red then it is his fault for not giving a decent warning time. My personal opinion is no harm no foul but if they are hell-bent on getting you for this then just explain what happened. A friend of mine about a week after he got his license, passed a stopped bus in the ditch and only got a small fine. You should be ok....Show more

Connie Dickirson: I think the car will pass as long as it meets safety regulations. The reason is because we are talking about motor vehicles. The only way the car itself would not pass is if it doesn't meet the requirements of how many students it can hold. For example, if the driver usually picks up about 6 to 7 children each day, then the car wouldn't p! ass because most small or regular size vehicles cannot hold that many. But again the state has to decide if it is safe. Now if what you say is right about the car seat not being able to fit, then no it isn't safe. But overall I think the car will pass if there is enough room for each passenger to ride safely. ...Show more

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