Apr 25, 2020

Why gay men do design?

Cristopher Gavalis: This is a phenomenon known as marginal adaptation. It is why Chinese people in the American West tended to go into the laundry business. why gardeners in the South tend to be African American or in the West tend to be Mexican or Mexican American.Where there is discrimination against a minority group, members of the group tend to look for economic niches where they will not be squeezed out by competition from the majority group. So in historic times, gay people have gone into the arts, become florists and hairdressers, and so forth --- because fewer straight people were interested in such occupations. Although times are changing, plenty of gay people are still in such positions, making it easier for gay people to network into such positions.It may seem like a bummer, but gay people do not in general have a leg up on color coordination (etc.) It is just easier for gay people to develop whatever design talents they have....Show more

Lissette Semon:! defn. Design:2.to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully.4.to form or conceive in the mind; contrive; plan:The prisoner designed an intricate escape.http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/designGays may be more attuned to style, cut, and fashion.It may be a different use of muscles or of the mind.Straight men give up cooking when that is their women's domain.People can make light of (or abnegate) their superior abilities for love.ab·ne·gateˈabniˌɡāt/verbrenounce or reject (something desired or valuable)."he attempts to abnegate personal responsibility"...Show more

Darwin Ecton: they are shy of real hard work.

Roni Kurz: Yes we do and we do it better.

Lou Ravelo: I know gay men who run businesses........ and I suppose they do 'design' things like advertising. Gay people just seem more clever than the rest of us for some odd reason - could be it's because they were always discriminated against - and that made them careful and watchful - and the! refore more conscious.never met a stupid gay person. They pro! bably exist somewhere, but I've never met one yet....Show more

Lynn Hollars: Because they are fabulous at it. Deal with it *****.

Catheryn Small: Design in what?Fashion? Graphics?Architecture?

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