Apr 16, 2020

Child safety in the car. Unreasonable parents.?

Darwin Ecton: Some women have no symptoms at all. go see a doctor ask them. what they think though. just to be sure. good luck

Hal Palowoda: Thanks everyone for sharing your opinions. I'd never let my children out of their seats. They are always strapped in. My 4 1/2 year old always checks if all the seatbelts are fastened :) He knows it's for our own safety.

Luke Creitz: situations like that is when a cop needs to be called. i've done it before and i'll continue to. There is absolutely NO reason to allow that . My children know the rules and know that there is no budging on them Period!

Valentine Willinger: felt attached to the baby...whether or not the mother raised the child or not. I know it happens, mom has baby, feels nothing, years later still nothing....does anyone know where I can get the information on this?

Woodrow Neyman: Nope, I don't allow my kids to behave like that.My 3 year old has figured out how to unbuckle the top buckle and sh! e gets in trouble everytime she does it.It's not worth my children's lives....Show more

Sherita Gallati: It would be very rare to have a false positive pregnancy test. A pregnancy test detects HCG (a hormone produced during pregnancy) the only other time that HCG is produced is due to a hydidaform tumor. It would be possible to have a false negative test but very unlikely to have a false positive. I have had 3 children and never had any signs other than no period. If you are eight weeks pregnant you need to make an appointment with the OBGYN. You need to start taking a prenatal vitamin as well. Good luck!...Show more

Caterina Yeargan: We will never know. They have never taken a survey of how many women don't feel attached to their babies. And if they did a lot of them would lie.

Cedric Grimstead: Can you say illegal? Not only dangerous but illegal to do that. Those are parents who can't control their kids and don't care enough to try. Even in a rush I d! on't forget seatbelts.

Micah Schwarcz: If you look up fa! ilure to thrive-you will find info there. Mostly it pertains to the babies, but of course, that is from the mothers not binding with the baby. Some articles will go into more detail of the maternal reasons.

Abby Herwood: i had a friend who took a negitive test, then the next week when she took another it was positive a blood test would tell you. and they say its not bad to do stomach work untill your actuall growing good luck

Patricia Dornbos: I've seen that also. It just makes me sick. It is so easy to buckle up. Also if the kids are up hanging on the seats it would make the driver not be able to pay attention to the road as well so there would probably be a higher chance of accidents. I would never let my child ride in the car unbuckled. Just makes no sense.

Ronnie Panas: I'm a big stickler for carseats and seatbelts. My children sit in their seats appropriately with their belts fastened or I pull over to correct it. It's a no-nonsense scenario wi! th me. They know how seriously I take seatbelts and never cross me with it.And yes, some parents are that stupid that they won't even do the simplest thing to protect their children....Show more

Donnie Bolio: Not usually. You are one of the lucky ones. That is not to say it might not come later in pregnancy. But there is nothing wrong with it. The only indication I was pregnant(other than a + test) was a cold. I never got colds. Lo and behold I was pregnant. Now I am 12 weeks and the only thing I notice is my breast are very tender and very little morning sickness. Enjoy your pregnancy. However, schedule an appointment with your doctor if you still feel something is wrong. They can give you the reassurance you need. Congrats on the baby....Show more

Long Woltjer: oh that is a big thing with me!I consider myself a fairly laid back parent, but there are STRICT rules in the car that are 100% non-negotiable. The safest place in the car in the middle of t! he back seat so the littlest is always put there, no matter how much he! complains that he wants a window seat. I absolutely refused to let my daughters sit in the front till they were 12.My vehicle will not even begin moving until everyone is buckled up safely. And if any of my kids ever unbuckled while I was driving, there would be some SERIOUS consequences. They know this and they behave in the car because I have never allowed anything but strict adherence to the car rules. I know in my heart I could never forgive myself if something bad happened to one of my kids in a car accident and I hadn't done everything I could to prevent it. I see people driving around with little kids climbing around in the car, rear facing child seats in the front right there by the airbag (don't they know that can take their kids head right off if it deploys?!)...It's child abuse, in my opinion....Show more

Connie Dickirson: absolutely not. i value my child's life more then to let them play and romp around in the car. i don't care if they are kicking and scr! eaming they are in the car seat (or seat belt depending on age). PERIOD no questions asked.

Inez Relihan: I took a pregnancy test the day after my period was late and several since then all came back positive but I am going on my eighth week and I still have no signs that I am pregnant. Is something wrong, has this happened to anyone else, will my baby still be healthy?Thanks ahead of time for any answers-

Arleen Bussing: GIRL!!! Be thankful!!! I am 18 weeks pregnant and I had ABSOULTELY no symptoms, I was scared too, but my baby is heathly. We are just a few of the lucky ones. Your baby and body are just giving you a break, cause in the next 9 months...that baby is going to work you! lol. Take 800mg of Folic acid a day... its really really really really vital in your babys growth and it helps you to keep not having any symptoms! honey... we are just blessed. Congrats on your baby!

Cole Desher: This a very common, with my first son i didn't get sick, my br! east didn't get tender real early, and I didn't have any cravings, so ! consider yourself lucky. I am 15 weeks and just recently got over morning sickness, thank god cause it sucks! if this is your first you probably wont feel pregnant till you start showing 16-20 weeks. good luck to you!

Georgia Dees: now. july 17 thats when i had sex the 19th i stopped b/c so maybe sometime around there i got pregnant. the 22nd i started to bleed light and it ended as browin spotting. i feel pregnant and i DONT think its all in my mind.! so its been about 3 weeks since ive had sex and may have become pregnant. but some say im 5 weeks. because theyre counting like the doc by adding two weeks on. ive taken 2 urine tests both negative today i went to the doc. gave me another urine test .it was negative and also a blood test after that it was negative. YES its alottt of negatives i know but i still cant shake the feeling of being pregnant. is my period late? i went to the doc they said the last time i was over there was july 21st? and then when i was there ! i said its been about 2 wks since my period. the woman said yes im late. with me being 3 or 5 weeks? can you plz tell me which one i am??? is either to early for a blood/urine test to be done.? the doc. well shes becoming a doc. said its prolly just the pill because i got off of it. but i dont think it is. i think it wouldve started right after i stopped but yet it waited 2 weeks? i dont think so.. & I HAVE HAD PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS..it went away though. dont know whats up with that. i still have gas from time to time.stomach still feels hungry right after i eat. still feel sharp pains in my side. and my nipples are some what still sore. SOO WITH THAT BEING SAID. CAN I BE PREGNANT WITH NEGATIVE RESULTS? AND AM I 3 OR 5 WEEKS PREGNANT 10points. plz and thank you so much i just did crunches on my exercise ball its like my ribs are killin me. like my left side is stretched ..idk weird feeling..i looked it up.. it is FINE with me doing crunches when pregnant...Show more

Dona! ld Caravalho: No, I absolutely do NOT let my children behave like that ! in the vehicle.I have a 17 month old daughter. She has two properly installed car seats in our van-the rear facing infant carrier that we still use most of the time (it has a higher weight limit, allowing us to leave her in the safer rear facing position longer than most) and her forward facing toddler car seat.My eight year old son and eleven year old daughter do not legally have to ride in booster seats. However, we have a van and he sits on the back seat and would often not be wearing his seat belt properly. After having been "free" for a short period of time, and my constantly chastising him, I bought him a booster seat. It keeps the belt properly positioned. And my daughter-she dutifully wears her seat belt, but she is petite. We had bought a belt adjusting clip to make it fit her better, but then she saw a Cinderella backless booster seat and we got that-she loves it.When my oldest was about two, she started unbuckling herself while we were going down the road. ! It is one of the few times I have spanked her. I am not anti-spanking, we just choose to reserve it for when all else fails. I would pop her hands when she was unbuckling, and soon that stopped.I hate to see children not properly restrained. I have a nephew that died at about my youngest daughter's age now. My sister was coming back from a trip and it was late at night. Without going into all of the horrific details, she got into a terrible accident and my nephew did not make it. At some point, unbeknownst to her, he had either unbuckled and gotten out of his seat or he had unbuckled partially and was thrown from the seat in the accident, but he did not make it. If only people realized how quickly your life can change forever-and these people I see generally KNOW their child is unbuckled (because, like you say, they are climbing all over the car). It is sad....Show more

Ermelinda Stalnaker: I'm at fifteen weeks and the only symptom I have had is sore breas! ts. I have gone to two doc appointments and so far so good. Be gratef! ul I have heard some horror stories of those with all the icky symptoms.

Hilde Heskett: Nothing is wrong with the baby. It's great you have no symptoms.

Voncile Slaubaugh: Hell no, I don't!I take my son to preschool every day, and we can practically see the place from my house. I drive because it's icy and cold and I'm 37 weeks pregnant, but I ALWAYS buckle my kids up. You just never know. There have been times I've driven that distance without MY seatbelt on, which I know is stupid, but I would *never* do that with my kids. I saw another preschool parent do that the other day ... I know where she lives- not that far from me - and her daughter was unrestrained in the back seat. I mean, we're talking a booster seat, for crying out loud - which takes two freaking seconds. I just thought, to each his own - but I would never take that chance with my kids....Show more

Elissa Curlin: People's body reaction differently during pgregnancy. Look for a send opinion! just to make assurance double sure. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Lupe Sancen: Yes the baby will be fine!As long as you have no bleeding your OK! be thankful for the lack of symptoms.

King Bringle: There's nothing wrong necessarily. I lucked out with my first pregnancy having no symptoms except missing my period. It just means the second time round you get everything lol. My son developed perfectly normal and very healthy with no symptoms. dont worry.

Rodolfo Merel: I agree, it's absolutely ridiculous. I don't live in a big city and see this often. Just last week a couple was arrested for having five kids in the backseat unrestrained (they were also in possession of meth) and last year we had three kids nearly killed in a car accident because they weren't in car seats or even seatbelted. I also babysat two little girls who told me one day when I was taking them to the park that they didn't have to wear the whole harness in their carseats! when their mom was driving because they didn't like it. I told them, "! In this car we wear our seatbelts the right way." I don't have kids of my own yet, but all the kids who ride in my car know that I'm strict about being in their carseats if they have one and they have to wear the whole belt the way it was meant to be worn; screaming and kicking or not....Show more

Lyndon Mattas: The child was not unattended. If you're within earshot, she's not alone. The law here is intended to prevent two things: The worst problem has been with parents leaving very small children in cars on hot days. There have been several deaths from this. The other, which is actually much more rare, is stranger abduction. I don't know if that has ever happened out of a car. There have been some cases of car jacking with babies in car seats, but it seems to be that the car jacker is after the car, not the baby. In some cases, the child has been left by the side of the road to be found. Still a worry as a parent, but car jackers tend to grab the keys from you when y! ou're there at the car, so that has nothing to do with this law. $100 is a pretty measly penalty for leaving a child alone in a car in the heat, if you ask me....Show more

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