Jun 29, 2020

Does sex have to be compulsory in marriage?

Janean Guz: No. Unless it is an act of commitment, as if there is an invalid/paraplegic/quadriplegic you are committing yourself to be with. You are asking for infidelity on one partner's part if you think you can just be "friends". Stupid, naive thought.

Branden Roddick: I am 14, and no, sex isn't compulsory when it comes to marriage. When you marry someone, you two become one-flesh, as stated in the bible. Sex isn't really compulsory, but most couples do it, because it's actually good, relieves stress, and is healthy.

Elvie Drumgoole: you should have sex in marriage

Toshiko Reimers: women often dont want sex in marriage.for sex they want different guys

Cletus Crotts: oh its so difficult to say. Marriage is not only for sex. Its a relation to do life circle. After marriage its going to be have a child so its compulsory to have sex.

Foster Padgette: The best marriages are ones where you can tell your partner anything. If you are thinking abou! t marring someone this would be a topic of conversation you should have long before you are even talking about marriage.

Everette Rovinsky: Nothing in marriage is "compulsory" and some couples do have sexless marriages. Any kind of marriage is fine as long as both parties are happy with it. If there is nothing more than friendship, though, why would you choose to marry one friend over all your other friends? Generally marriage involves a different kind of love from friendship, though if two friends wish to marry and stay nothing more than friends there is certainly nothing to stop them.

King Bringle: needed is a foul decision of be conscious as no-one is being forced into marriage. He thinks homosexuals would have the similar perfect to marry. He also reported that church homes and ministers/monks ought to have the perfect proper for refuse. it particularly is the similar with heterosexual couples-a minister can say no to appearing the ceremony. it particularly ! is truly no longer an magnificent deal.

Antonette Shappy! : About 20% of marriages are estimated to be sexless, however in many cases this is a source of great unhappiness and frustration to one partner.If both partners are happy without sex, then its really no business of anyone else's, is it?

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