Jun 30, 2020

Fear of dying childbirth/labor?  

Fear of dying childbirth/labor?  

answers 0:Okay I'm 28 weeks pregnant today. Though I have another 12 weeks to go, the labor seems to be sneaking up on me. For most of my pregnancy I have not worried about my own survival, confident of it, but of my baby's. Now, though I still worry of course sometimes about her, I am suddenly starting to have fear of my own survival. I have suddenly well lately in the past week developed a fear of dying during delivery and I dont know why. I dont know any1 whose died in childbirth, but I did know a guy born in El Salvador who lost his mother that way. But I know this is the U.S., but compared to other 'devloped" nations, we have a slightly higher maternal mortality rate, but still not high of course. This information, combined with my own irrational fears, is making me panic. Also the thing is I have a heart murmer caused by a missing flap in one of my valves, it's not a serious ! problem, has caused me no problems in life and i'm 24, basically healthy, it just means i'm more susceptible to bloo...Show moreanswers 1:d infections ifd I catch a virus like Strep Throat, and if it I dont treat it right away, the blood ifnection would evlop in me quicker tha some1 without a murmer. But my murmer is so small now and when I last went to a cardiologist 5 years ago, she said I had nothing to worry about and probably dont even need to see a cardiologist anymore (I used to see one every 4years til I was 19). She said the little "leak" in my heart was such an insignificant amount it was nothing to worry about. But I have totally forgotten to tell my OB about this, even though it is harmless and I dont need to take anything for it. I used to take antibiotics before going to get any dental work or other operations done, but now I dont even need that anymore bc the American Heart Association changed the guidelines. anyways this is also the basis of my fear....answe! rs 2:Everyone is just a little petrified of dying, however I a! m no longer so terrified as so much humans. I frequently worry that if I die, it would possibly not be for the correct factors, like I wanna die for whatever I think in or seeking to retailer any individual or whatever like that. I worry that my lifestyles may have been wasted on whatever dullanswers 3:I used to be friends with a girl who was having irrational thoughts of dying in childbirth. She also cried continuously because the father left her. They put her on Prozac.answers 4:it is very rare for a mom to die during birth. having a baby is natural and is easier than i ever thought it would be. you need to think positive thoughtsanswers 5:VERY normal fear. Such a remote chance, though.You are going to have to chalk this one up to hormones and try to let it go as much as you can. Don't concentrate on it.answers 6:I would go talk to a therapist about it, as well as your doctor. They can tell you every pre-caution and make you feel a lot better about it! It could be imp! ortant for them to know that you're having this fear, as maybe it could be telling you something which could save you in the end! Talk to someone, it can't hurt!answers 7:wow you really need to calm down. Please share your paranoia with your doctor she needs to know that you have these fears. It's natural for women to have some fears going into birth but not to be phobic like this. See if you can talk to someone about your anxiety so that it doesn't make your labor harder.answers 8:I absolutely understand. I am very newly pregnant and I am petrified of something like this happening. I saw that movie Jersey Girl and I have never been able to get it out of my mind.Try to remember that even driving a car carries a risk of death. Standing on a ladder, living through a thunderstorm. I gues all I am trying to say is that I understand. It is a total loss of control. Has your doctor said anything about the murmer???...answers 9:my best friend had heart problems at the end ! of her pregnancy, she had to waalk around with a heart monitor alot. sh! e had a healty baby and had a normal safe labor! doctors are smart and know what they're doing, you'll be fine...quit worrying!!answers 10:d infections ifd I catch a virus like Strep Throat, and if it I dont treat it right away, the blood ifnection would evlop in me quicker tha some1 without a murmer. But my murmer is so small now and when I last went to a cardiologist 5 years ago, she said I had nothing to worry about and probably dont even need to see a cardiologist anymore (I used to see one every 4years til I was 19). She said the little "leak" in my heart was such an insignificant amount it was nothing to worry about. But I have totally forgotten to tell my OB about this, even though it is harmless and I dont need to take anything for it. I used to take antibiotics before going to get any dental work or other operations done, but now I dont even need that anymore bc the American Heart Association changed the guidelines. anyways this is also the basis of my fear....

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