Jun 20, 2020

What exactly IS "entertainment"?

Maritza Ebanks: I agree to some extent. It seems a whole lot of movies are being praised for their senseless violence *cough**300*, and Hollywood hype *cough**cough*T3*, or just plain exaggeration of computer enhancement aided with hot chicks *cough**cough**fast**cough**furious*.The downside to movies like stated above is, that they're short lived and provide a "rush" (so to speak). This in effect produces a "need" for something even more extreme *cough**next summer*.So while newbie directors are stuffing their pockets with your ego, there are serious consequences taking place. People are turning into violence hungry monsters. I remember watching a movie *cough**underword* in theaters, and sitting there shocked at how the whole audience starting standing up and applauding when a wolfs head was ripped off by bare hands.So returning to your question, what IS entertainment? I say it's anything that triggers egotistical desires. And judging from the time i've spent on this ea! rth, the top sellers were always Sex and Violence. How unfortunate. How unfortunate indeed......Show more

Georgianna Zollo: something that makes people enjoy themselves.. anything.. like picking your nose is entertainment to some people.

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