Jun 27, 2020

Is dumping anti-freeze down a storm drain bad for the environment?

Bryant Chaudhry: I have a piece of memory foam that used to go over my mattress. recycling is going out tomorrow and I was wondering if I could put it in the recycling, or just through it in the garbage? Cant find a real answer in search...

Corrinne Ruozzo: It's for a paper. Please provide a link to a source if you know of one. Thanks!

Boyce Gilhooly: Nope.

Amada Greising: I think it is. But what else are you going to do with it? What does it say on the label?

Eldridge Rieves: Don't do it. Read the packaging on the bottle.

Andrew Sinatra: Do wat ever u like man the earth has been here 4 billions of years no need to recycle the earth will stil b here when were gone :-)

Alma Twomey: Yes. You should stop doing it. It could get in a purification center, but it could also end up in the ocean, rivers or lakes, even if the water was purified, and would kill lots of animals, organisms, plants... In total, it would kill lots of life where it ! ends. If land animals drink the water, they could die too. If another animal eats the dead animal that drank the water, he dies too and becomes contaminated, waiting for another victim to eat its contaminated body.PLEASE don't do this!...Show more

Shaquita Wernicki: You need to call your town and ask them. Different places have different rules for recycling.

Inez Relihan: no idea what your asking but i went to fraiser island in australia you should go one time its amazing and you could drink the water because it had been filtured through so many layers of sand that it was clean and pure wasnt sandy either

Magda Vandergriend: I personally feel that the technique is bad for the environment.The reason why I feel so , is that that the Anti-freeze method uses chemicals that may cause pollution and may also be ecologically harmful. The chemicals may affect marine population, may affect pisiculture and may even kill may germs and bacteria that are useful for dea! ling with harmful creatures, bacteria and insects. Nature has ! its own means of self-protection. Use of chemicals for Anti-freeze process may disturb such ecological balance....Show more

Jarrod Darnall: Yes it is bad. The small amount you would be dumping won't cause any problem but if everybody started doing it that would cause a major problem. Check with you local dump. They will probably take it for free.

Maritza Ebanks: You can try it. Since it has memory, it will probably escape the recycling chain and come back to haunt you.

German Thal: For drinking and cooking- Go with a Berkey system. Chlorine and Flouride may not be as much of a problem, but you never know when those might get in or where they came from. After all, rain drops often form around particles in the air.Otherwise Reversee Osmosis and water distillers.

Marco Stolarz: Antifreeze is toxic to humans and animals. Waste antifreeze contains heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and chromium in high enough levels to potentially make it a regulated! hazardous waste, so most states strictly regulate antifreeze disposal. Antifreeze generators and state and local programs should not dump spent antifreeze on land or discharge it into a sanitary sewer, storm drain, ditch, dry well, or septic system; dumping antifreeze can cause serious water quality problems and might harm people, pets, or wildlife....Show more

Donita Desjardin: ABSOLUTLY, that goes right back into your drinking water

Azalee Ahrendes: Democrats have been after industry since the mid-50's. The movent towards renewable energy sources is a move to kill oil and natural gas industry. They want energy under the control of the government. The biggest move they are making, which they only whisper about, is nuclear power plants. The second is the use of bio-fuels. Bio-fuels are going to be produced by hybrid crops who's NO2 emmissions per volume are 4X more potent as green house gases than CO2s. Its the greatest threat we have faced since WW2. I hope th! e rest of the nation will start paying closer attention to whats really! going on behind the seens....Show more

Toshia Metzker: yeah most storm drains go back into our drinking water and human consumption of antifreeze is bad. you should take it to a local oil change shop and they can properly dispose of it for you.

Elden Bardach: ummya,, it kills dogs and cats

An Trebil: The oil would hang to the plumbing pipes and to any buildup it encountered alongside the way...it may on no account get to a processing plant, yet would make contributions to subsidized up pipes and the would desire to call a plumber out.

Rachell Meese: Robert has it right on, Lava rock is a great filtering system for drinking as well.

Elden Dedon: Aside from choosing a water filtering system (because there are many and you need to do lots of research), make sure you look into a metallic roof. This would reduce the need of such a high quality water filtering system.Hope this helps :)

Rheba Cockman: First of all, you'll want to have some sor! t of roof washer, this is basically some type of trap that will divert the first few gallons of rainwater so all of the leaves, bird droppings, etc don't go into your storage tank(s). Water for "gray" uses, i.e. washing clothes, watering plants, etc can probably be used straight from your reservoir then. There are commercial filters available that use gravity (like the Berkey units) that can then be used to filter drinking and cooking water.You can make your own, relatively inexpensively with a ceramic filter cartridge like the one sold here:http://shop.monolithic.com/products/just-water-cer...I've got a little experience with this, I talk extensively about it on my web site....Show more

Cassey Hollinghurst: Ultra violet purification systems. It works good.http://cleangreen.in/wp/2010/05/uv-water-treatment...

Alane Antes: are you dumb??? that kills animals and lowers the ozone layer

Adan Alipio: I'm wanting to go off grid so I'm planning my own water stora! ge tanks and filtering system and I was wondering what the minimum filt! ering system I would need?

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