Jun 24, 2020

What is global warming??????????

Erica Bottaro: Global warming is the process of the gradual increases in the global temperature monitored around the world!

Scot Sepulbeda: Global warming is when energy from the sun is trapped in the atmosphere. When energy from the sun enters the atmosphere, about 70% stays in the atmosphere. the other 30% goes back into space. Eventually the 70% of enery absorbed by the earth is reasled. some of it goes back into space, while greenhouse gases keep the rest in earth's atmosphere. this keeps earth about 60 degrees warmer than out in space. Actually, that is the greenhouse effect. Global warming is when more greenhouse gases are put into the atmosphere than there should be. this results in more of the suns energy staying in the earth's atmosphere, resulting in the earth gradually getting warmer...Show more

Charissa Riley: watch the movie an inconvenient truth it will explain all about it

Glynda Darrin: Global warming is the theory that the overuse of f! ossil fuels, have caused holes in our atmosphere which allow more sunlight in, which would cause the Earth to have a gradual change in climate (becoming similar to that of prehistoric climates) which many predict will cause the polar caps and glaciers of the arctics to melt, which would cause a worldwide flood, that is predicted to be similar to Noah's flood described in the Bible.

Nestor Klan: The assumption that carbon emissions et al are causing a catastrophic change in the global climate. Meaning, the earth is warming at a rate that jeopardizes the existance of humans and all life on earth. It is causing severe weather pattern changes and the glacier content in the poles are melting.

Alane Antes: the cars producing many unhealthy pollutants into the air making the globe get 1 degree hotter each year but i don't believe in it the wolds going thou a simple hot cycle like the ice age or dinosaurs

Frederic Engellant: GloBAL wARmiNg is wheN THe earTH star! ts GEtting reALLY warm AND if uve HEARD the ICE Is ALL MelTING! BEcause OF thIS gloBAL WARMINg

Jamika Gregorio: the ozone layer has a hole in it.

Hilton Paiva: Global warming is the gradual increase in global temperatures caused by the emission of gases that trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Gases that contribute to global warming include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and halocarbons (the replacements for CFCs). The carbon dioxide emissions are primarily caused by the use of fossil fuels for energy.

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