Jun 18, 2020

Would you rather live without television or the radio?

Raymundo Kyser: i would rather go with out radio. i hardly ever use it. i have other means of listening to music, and im not into any talk shows.

Todd Stogner: i think that i would live without the radio, the reason being that you can learn a lot from television. it is extremely informative!!! also, a television has more impact on you than a radio does as you are using both your ears and eyes while watching television, but it is not the same case with the radio as you use only one sensory organ, that being your ears!!! so, the television would have a greater impact on you than the radio!!! another point to be noted here would be that the television also plays music which i simply love and which i cannot live without!!! so i will be able to hear my music as well as see the video as well!!! what more could i ask for!!! ...Show more

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