Jun 25, 2020

Which is the better planet for green living?

Lawana Neemann: ''''

Lilli Kochel: It's odd you ask this, but interestingly, Mars would have to be better and here's why:Since Mars is incapable of producing anything useful, dwellers would HAVE to recycle EVERYTHING as nothing new is produced on Mars. This would be necessary for survival.Earth produces a lot of what we need so it's not as necessary....Show more

Willis Liburd: is that a real question??? Humans can't live on Mars, so unless you consider the human race being wiped out green then it's not really comparable.

Forest Duttinger: i think its earth because it has more suitable conditions. We can covert our cities into green cities (on earth) and our life into green life. We know enough about earth's biosphere (eco system) so it would be best if we try it on earth. And infact i have strong belief that we'll soon see a green revolution on planet earth. So my answer is earth.

Bryan Avinger: obviously earth is suitable for green living. becaus! e yet scientists are not sure about living on mars. why can't we convert our earth for better green living. it is not impossible....

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